See What an Industry Insider Called “The Most Impressive Proof He’s Ever Seen” for Adding Distance to Your Game…

ATTENTION: Golfers trapped inside by Mother Nature who still want to…

Add 20 to 95 accurate yards – without any expensive training aids or a fitness regimen – just like these 6,550 VERIFIED golfers

Scroll through our Distance Leaderboard to see the results for yourself…

Did you happen to notice that 2,330 have added a whopping 40 yards or more?

And if you’re still not convinced this works for folks of all ages, shapes, and sizes, just watch a few of these incredible success stories:

Ok, I’ll stop bombarding you with happy students who have enjoyed game-changing – really, life-changing – distance gains…

…because it’s obvious now that ANYONE can do it.

But you may now be thinking to yourself…

“Self, how the heck is this possible… and why would I even think about doing this until the weather gets better?”

Glad you asked :-)

First of all, there’s a surprising reason why winter time is actually perfect to get started…

…but I’ll get to that in just a minute.

Let me start by saying that pretty much all of those successes you saw above…

…were folks who had previously struggled to add distance in the past because…

Almost everyone falls for the hype…
  • Training aids… from cheap, goofy stuff that had no chance to work… to well-designed, more expensive devices… that take weeks to get even modest results.
  • Stretching… which typically takes a loooong time to improve… and can feel awkward or even painful doing funny yoga poses and the like.
  • Fitness programs… that, just like stretching, don’t provide results quickly… and when done in a way that really builds distance… are highly likely to cause injury unless you’ve got a pricey personal trainer by your side every step of the way.
  • Typical golf instruction… that has you so focused on hitting specific body positions and restricting every part of your body that you lose all your athleticism and speed… not to mention destroying your natural coordination, which leads not only to shorter shots… but WILDER ones as well!
  • New clubs… unless you’re playing with clubs 10+ years old… don’t believe the hype… you’ll be lucky to add more than 5 yards even if you found a new driver that suits you perfectly… simply because the manufacturers have nearly maxed out everything they can do for distance.
  • Just hitting solid shots every swing… Where do I begin? First of all, I’m a professional with a handicap 4 strokes better than scratch… and I rarely hit the exact sweet spot. Of course, hitting your average shots closer to the sweet spot will add some distance… but dialing in that kind of control takes weeks and weeks… and still will only get you about 11.7 yards according to our research with 100+ golfers.

So… if none of those work to get results like you saw above – 20 - 130 yards of accurate distance…

…how the heck did those golfers do it?

With Neural Adaptation Practice… just like the best athletes in the world…

You see…

There’s a specific way to practice that was originally discovered by Russian Olympians…

…(and before you even ask… no, you don’t need to be a freak athlete to do this… just someone who’s not presently injured)...

…that no one had ever applied directly to golf swing technique training.

And when I tested the Russian’s method out in my own game, I couldn’t believe the results.

Just like most recreational players I’ve run across…

…traditional instructional methods based on hitting lots of positions and getting body parts into awkward, uncomfortable angles…

…had sapped all the natural athleticism from my game.

But this weird training technique used by Olympians…

…unlocked my inner athlete again. And boy, did it really unleash the beast in me as I went from hitting it around 300 on my best drives…

…to 315+ of carry! That's not even total distance...

So, I gave it a name – Neural Adaptation Practice – and tried it out on 81 recreational golfers to see what results they got.

It was astounding!

  • 34.5 yards gained on average!
  • 86% said they were hitting the ball straighter or just as straight as before!
  • In only 3 weeks or less!

In fact, maybe most impressively… 

These students added an average of 15.4 yards… in their very first practice session using Neural Adaptation Practice!

So, it turns out that when you put together…

  1. 1
    Neural Adaptation Practice
  2. 2
    Swing Technique Tweaks for Mere Mortals (not young, strong, supple professionals)

…the combination provides explosive distance… FAST!

Even better…

You can do Neural Adaptation Practice inside!

So I know a lot of my students are dealing with winter conditions right now…

…and even those who might be in the Southern Hemisphere still have to deal with rainy conditions fairly often.

That’s why I specifically made modifications to my training methods so you can do them anywhere you can swing a driver!

Not only that, but…

  • You’ll replace the typical rust-filled weeks of simply trying to get back to how you were playing last year with a more powerful and confidence-filled swing your buddies have NEVER seen from you.
  • Imagine how much easier it will be to hit 9-irons and wedges into greens rather than mid and long irons.
  • You’ll be ecstatic knowing you took the off-season to improve your golf game rather than accepting the typical regression that comes from another year of aches and pains to your body.

So once the weather does make a turn for the better…

…you’ve already done most of the work needed to blast the ball down the fairway, way past your buddies in your first round of the year!

In your Indoor training videos, you’ll discover…

  • The nearly secret key to pure ball striking that I use on EVERY swing (Hint: Recreational players never think to do this).
  • The precise two-step formula for taking your wild tee shots from the penalty area back to the center stripe of the fairway.
  • The often overlooked leg move the best dunkers of all-time use that will add power to your swing.
  • The unique way to use this 30 cent knick-knack that delivers results on the course (even while working on your swing inside).
  • The unorthodox way to use the butt end of your club to produce a whip-like effect through impact.
  • The hand move that mimics a medieval weapon and instantly forces even the most inflexible golfers to blast the ball farther down the fairway.
  • The “fisherman’s move” you’ve been told NOT to do, but when timed differently, pulverizes the ball and increases your smash factor.

And a whole lot more!

Introducing the tried and tested... 20 Minute Distance Fix Program

All of that is covered in my revolutionary 20 Minute Distance Fix video program, which you may have heard about.

If you’re ready to jump into that right now – for just a single dollar! – click the button below:

Otherwise, keep reading to learn all about how Neural Adaptation Practice has been changing lives for the past 5 years…

Want More Distance?

  • 20 Yards in the next couple days?
  • 20-40 yards in the next 21 days?
  • Want to be the "Big Hitter" in your group?


... Then Keep Reading ...

From the desk of
Clay Ballard

Co-Founder, Top Speed Golf and Teaching Professional …

Dear Top Speed Golfer …

I’m 99% certain you’ve played in a scramble. Sometimes they’re called a Captain’s Choice. And in Scotland, they’re called a “Texas Scramble” … for some reason I’m not really sure about.

Either way, we all know how a 4-person scramble can work.

Somebody puts together a team and they try to find …

  • Someone who can putt.
  • Someone who can hit great approach shots.

If you’re that “BIG HITTER” and you’re already smashing the ball 300-320 off the tee … and your next stop is a long-drive contest … this page isn’t for you.

BUT … if you REALLY REALLY want more distance off the tee … and more distance with every club in your bag, then pay very close attention to this page.


Because I’m going to show you an all-new way to make big-time distance
gains WITHOUT …

  • Spending $550 on a new driver …
  • Spending hours in the gym and/or Yoga classes
  • Buying a bunch of training aids
  • Doing anything crazy

But first …

Let Me Re-Introduce Myself … I’m Clay Ballard and My Students Around the World Are Using My Neural Adaptation Practice Drills to Gain an Average of 15.6 Yards Off The Tee in Just 20 Minutes
… And Then They’re Gaining Nearly 20 Extra Yards …

Thousands of golfers have completed my Neural Adaptation Practice drills and the results speak for themselves. Look at the graph below.

And everyone got their clubhead speed up. And this means EVERYONE gained distance.

And remember … all these gains took place without buying a new driver or lifting weights or anything like that.

In just a minute, I’m going to show you EXACTLY what happened with these golfers and how YOU can enjoy the same results.

Before I get to that, I want to talk about two things … and they’re really important.

  • Who this web page is for … and who it’s not.
  • Some big misconceptions about distance … and how these are keeping you from making big distance gains.

So let’s get to it …

This Web Page IS for You If …

  • You’re losing distance and you’re fed up with this slow, sad decline.
  • You just bought a $500 driver and it’s not performing as advertised …
  • You’d like a different sound as the ball rockets off the clubface straight down the middle of the fairway.
  • You were the longest driver in your regular group and now you’re the shortest.
  • You KNOW you can get more distance … but don’t know how.
  • You’re not a big fan of hours in the gym and/or gadgets.
  • You still want to hit longer par-4s in regulation.
  • You’d like to hit par-5s in two.
  • You’ve played some good golf … and want to play a lot MORE good golf.
  • You’re open minded and always seeking to get better in everything you do … on and off the golf course.
  • You’re willing to put some effort into gaining some serious distance and try a proven program.
  • You want to join the thousands of golfers who have added a TON of clubhead speed.
  • You love the great game of golf.
  • You have $1 … that’s right ONE DOLLAR … more on that later.

This Web Page IS NOT for You If …

  • You’re already on tour and you’re clubbing it off the tee.
  • You’re a long-drive champion.
  • Getting better is not interesting to you.
  • You’re totally happy with every aspect of your game and don’t see the point of trying to get better.
  • You’re not willing to invest a little time and effort to improve.
  • You’re skeptical and don’t think a distance program will work … even though it’s already helped thousands of golfers.

Now … let’s get into some information about distance. There are lots of misconceptions about distance. Once you understand … and overcome … these misconceptions, you’ll know how to get more distance in YOUR game.


Don’t get me wrong … I love all the technology that’s out there today. And if you have a driver made from persimmon, or if your driver is more than 5 years old, then a new driver will likely help with some distance.

But here’s the truth.

The USGA and the R&A have organized the rules so that the ball speed from every driver is going to be the same when YOU hit the middle of the face.

Some drivers offer more forgiveness than others … plus some adjustability.

But 30 extra yards with a new driver? Keep dreaming.

However … combine a new driver with a lot more speed and NOW WE’RE TALKING. That’s why I’m always talking about gaining clubhead speed.


Get fit. Get limber. Get svelte. ALL GOOD THINGS TO DO.

You might gain a little bit of extra clubhead speed but it might be 5 mph max. That’s unless you can spend at least 10 hours a week, every week, working out.

Again … it’s a great idea to get in great shape. But it’s not going to help your distance in any meaningful way.

And do you really have 10 hours a week to work out and go through all that sweating?


Yes and no.

Let me explain.

If you’re a high handicapper, or a serial slicer, then improved technique will help you gain distance.

But if you hit the ball pretty straight most of the time, then a swing change might get you a bit more distance … but nothing significant.

HOWEVER … if you organize some changes with the specific goal of REALLY INCREASING YOUR CLUBHEAD SPEED … then you’ll make some big-time gains.

And I’ll show you how to make these changes in a minute. Stay tuned. They’re really easy to make.


I fully understand why you’re thinking this way. It’s because you’ve been told “stay in control and keep it straight as an arrow.”

That’s OK with short game and putting … but data shows that people with more clubhead speed are EVEN MORE ACCURATE than golfers who are trying to slow it down to stay in control.

And a bit further down this page, I’m going to show you some data about distance from the PGA Tour.

My students will tell you … “I’ve gone through the distance program and I became MORE accurate off the tee.” In fact, 86% of golfers who went through this program said they maintained or increased their accuracy.

Again … the data supports this.


Rory McIlroy is one of the best golfers on the planet. His driving accuracy percentage is 53.25%. He’s 171st in driving accuracy on the PGA Tour, to be precise.

So … close to half of his drives DON’T hit the fairway.

The most accurate driver on tour right now is Russell Henley. His accuracy percentage is 72.57%.

When you’re in your office pool for the next major, are you taking Rory McIlroy or Ryan Armour?

I know who I’m picking!

Here’s another question. Do you want to be 120 yards from the green in light rough or 190 yards from the green in the fairway?

Rory McIlroy will give you the answer to that question.

I’ll give you more stats from the PGA Tour in a minute.

Yes, we all want to be in the fairway all the time but being in light rough isn’t a disaster.


There are some great gadgets out there. Some great training aids. Most of these will help you gain a little distance.

But, in my experience as a teaching professional, even the better training aids will only give some incremental increases in clubhead speed.

Maybe there’s a gadget that’s given you an extra 30 yards off the tee. But I haven’t seen that one yet.

Most training aids I’ve seen are never going to hurt your game. But they’re not going to give you massive clubhead speed gains either.


Not exactly. Yes … the technology is helping with distance. But there are two things you need to know.

First … technology has pretty much reached its limit due to the rules of the game.

Second … it’s clubhead speed that’s made all the difference. Tiger Woods used to be the fastest … now there are many other pros who have higher clubhead speed than Tiger.

Bottom line … real gains in distance come from when you increase your clubhead speed.


Totally wrong.

If you’re a golfer then you’re an athlete. And you can be an athlete at any age.

Hundreds of golfers have taken my distance course and many are over the age of 70.

Every golfer, including you, can get HUGE gains in clubhead speed.

Maybe you’ve seen your distance DECREASE despite technology and your other efforts. Here’s something else that’s happening.

The “Downward Distance Death Spiral” … The Reason That 99% of Golfers LOSE Distance … And NOBODY Talks About This …

I’ve been studying the golf swing, and golf teaching, for a long time. And the word that keeps coming up again and again is … CONSISTENCY.

A good thing.

But there’s a problem.

To get this consistency, teachers are telling their students to tighten up the swing … to make it shorter. There are two problems with this advice.

One … it slows down clubhead speed.

Two … there’s no guarantee you’re going to get that magic “consistency.” If you have an off day … you’re not going to be consistent and you’re back to square one.

And when you have the off day, you will tighten up your swing even more and lose more distance.

Two things happen … you keep losing distance plus you shoot higher scores. And you just get frustrated. No fun.

I’ve Been in The Downward Distance Death Spiral … But I Got Out …

Back when I was trying to make a living playing golf, I was obsessed with technique. Specifically, I was trying to get more and more control. But I ended up losing a lot of valuable distance.

So because of this lack of distance … and because I thought I had to have control … I didn’t make it on tour.

Quite frankly, I should have just stuck to distance.

Here’s proof …

Look at What’s Happening On Tour … Distance Wins Majors and a Lot of Money …

In a perfect world, we’re hitting the ball straight all the time. I get this.

But let’s look at the names in the Top 15 for raw driving distance stats from the PGA Tour...




Avg. Driving Distance


Rory McIlroy

326.3 Yds


Cameron Champ

317.9 Yds


Cameron Young

315.7 Yds


Jon Rahm

314.0 Yds


Gary Woodland

313.8 Yds


Wyndham Clark

313.5 Yds

The longest hitters on tour tend to be the biggest earners and the ones winning the majors. All the big names... including number 1 in the world, Rory McIlroy.

But hang on a second … what about accuracy?

Here are the most accurate drivers on the PGA Tour …



Driving Accuracy %


Russell Henley



Ryan Armour



Satoshi Kodaira



Ryan Moore



Lucas Glover


Awesome golfers and they’re making a good living. But they’re not winning the big ones.

So here’s my point. You can’t be in the trees, swamps, OB, and other junk all the time. I get that … you get that.

BUT … in the battle between accuracy and distance, distance wins.




Avg. Driving Distance


Rory McIlroy



Cameron Champ



Cameron Young



Jon Rahm



Gary Woodland



Wyndham Clark


Right now as I write, Rory McIlroy is ranked 171st in driving accuracy.


And what about putting?

Look at our good buddy, Rory McIlroy.





Avg. SG Putting


Seamus Power



Lee Hodges



Rory McIlroy



Tom Hoge



Patrick Rodgers


Currently ranked 65th on the PGA Tour for putting.

So that puts to bed the old saying …

“You drive for show and you putt for dough.”

No … in today’s game, you DRIVE FOR DOUGH.


The Main Reason You’re Losing Distance … You’re a Great Person …

Losing distance? Let me tell you what's been happening ... for many years now.

Daily ‘routine’ activities and working hard.

Driving. Commuting. Flying in cramped planes. Meetings. Family. Etc. Etc.

You’ve worked really hard … whatever your work … but all that work changes your body and it’s not good for your golf game.

What happens?

  • Stiff muscles around the shoulders and rib cage.
  • Weakening core muscles.
  • Super-stiff hips, hamstrings, and glutes.
  • Muscles that need “waking up” for more power and explosive force.

POWER LEAKS … no good.

But fortunately, we can fix all that. AND FAST.

But first …

Here’s a Secret From All The Tours …

Those numbers above from the PGA Tour? Remember how those big hitters are winning all the dough? And all the trophies?

That’s no accident.

Over the last few years, the big-time instructors have been helping their touring pros hit the ball farther and farther.


They’re looking at those stats and realizing that raw distance is more important than raw accuracy.

So … well away from the TV cameras and the spotlight … when big-name pros are working with big-name teachers, it’s all about DISTANCE.

But there’s something else going on … and this might seem counter-intuitive at first …

Want to Hit the Ball Straighter? Hit the Ball Farther … A LOT LONGER …

I tracked 81 golfers that went through a pilot program.

The goal of the program was to help “regular” golfers gain big-time distance FAST … without stretching, weights, running marathons, etc.

I didn’t have a name for the program then. (I do now … as you’ll discover in a minute.)

I had two questions.

What would happen to distance?

What would happen to accuracy?

Remember … there are two things happening in golf.



The average driving distance gain was 34.5 yards. Not too shabby.

Here’s what’s really shocking.

When the 81 golfers finished the course … drum roll please … 86% reported they were hitting their drives just as straight or even straighter.

The average age of this group was 59, just in case you’re counting.

Here are some additional results from that pilot group of 81 recreational golfers.

  • 15 yards in 20 swings.
  • 15 yards in 20 minutes.
  • 20 yards in 7 days.
  • 34.5 yards in 3 weeks.
  • 100% of students gained at least 10 yards.
  • 88.8% of students gained at least 20 yards in 3 weeks.
  • 76.3% of students gained at least 25 yards in 3 weeks.

Those of you who are scientists, doctors, and engineers … and I know you’re out there … you’re saying, “81 people isn’t a big enough sample size.” And you’re right.

Fortunately, we have a bigger data set.

Turns out there’s a professor at Columbia University in New York City named Mark Broadie.

He’s crunched more numbers than anyone in the world of golf. Tons of pros, including Rory McIlroy, rely on his data.

That’s because he’s analyzed over 10 MILLION golf shots.

That’s right … 10 MILLION.

His conclusion.

“Looking across a range of golfers … from 115 golfers to tour professionals … a clear pattern emerges … Longer hitters tend to be straighter hitters.”

Not exactly what you’ve been told, right?

You’ve been told to keep your swing under control … look for consistency … shorten your backswing for control … and so on.


Here’s The Truth About Distance

You want more distance.

This means more clubhead speed.

You get more clubhead speed … A LOT MORE … with an improved sequence.

And by working on this new sequence, you make some changes in your technique that help you hit the ball STRAIGHTER.

And you’ll see the proof in my all-new video series … 20 MINUTE DISTANCE FIX.

Brains … Not Biceps …

So … as I mentioned earlier … a lot of golfers think, “I’ll hit the gym and I’ll smack the ball farther.”

It’s true … BUT … it won’t go that much farther. 5-10 extra yards … at best. Not bad … but you can do a lot better … and it won’t take as much time plus there’s a lot less involved..

That’s through my all-new program I’m going to tell you about in a minute. It’s called 20 MINUTE DISTANCE FIX.

Get Speed … Then Your Brain Will Give You Accuracy ...

I’m sure you’re asking, “how on earth do you end up hitting the ball straighter when you’re swinging faster?”

Well here’s the answer. Just hit the play button right now to watch my short explanation.

Speed in your swing comes mostly from your brain. You have to train your brain to swing faster.

Right now, you’re telling your brain to make a tight, short, compact golf swing and keep it straight.

But when you send a different message … “get more clubhead speed” to your brain … then your brain starts to tell your muscles to swing faster.

At first, you’ll get some more clubhead speed.

It will be 3-10 extra miles per hour. Not too shabby.

But the ball might start going in some weird directions. That’s normal.

After a little time, your brain will “rewire” itself for two things …

  • More clubhead speed.
  • A more accurate swing.

The increases in clubhead speed will be incremental but consistent. Let me explain.

In your first practice session with my training program, people have been getting 3-10 extra miles per hour in clubhead speed.

After that, in each practice session, your clubhead speed will start to tick upwards by around 1-3 mph.

Well … after 3-4 weeks, guess what?

You’ve got an extra 10-20 mph, and to see what this will do for your golfing world, look at the chart below.

There’s one more thing.

To get your increase in clubhead speed, you may need to make a few tweaks to your swing.

These are not wholesale changes.

It’s NOT a complete swing makeover.

But these 2-3 tiny tweaks will help you hit the ball STRAIGHTER.

Of course, they will help you hit the ball FASTER and LONGER.

But you will gain accuracy and CONSISTENCY.

And that’s based on actual results with thousands of golfers who have taken the 20 MINUTE DISTANCE FIX course.

OK … enough theory and stats.

It’s time to show YOU how to max out your distance.

Let me introduce …

The 20 MINUTE DISTANCE FIX. 15 Yards in the Next 20 Minutes … Then nearly 20 More Yards in the Next 3-4 Weeks … Available for Just $1 …


Here’s Everything You Get For Just $1

20 Minute Distance Fix

You'll find the most researched, age and flexibility defying 3 week program that allows you to add serious distance with every club in your bag. Only available here! Drive The Ball 20-70 Yards Further Without Sacrificing Accuracy! You can expect...

  • 15 Yards in 20 Minutes
  • 20 - 40 Yards in Just 21 Days
  • Get More Accurate
  • No Gym Visits
  • Works Regardless of Age, Fitness or Flexibility

...And A Ridiculous Big Hitter Guarantee

If you typically shoot 105 or better for 18 holes and don't have any serious injuries...

...and if you simply do each of the practice sessions for 20 minutes, exactly as they're laid out in the course's Big Hitter Tracking Sheet...

Then you’ll be blasting your best drives 20 to 70 yards farther while maintaining or improving your accuracy...
Or else you’ll get every penny back...

PLUS, if in 3 weeks you send me your completed Big Hitter Tracking Sheet showing that you didn’t improve your best drives by 20+ yards (or swing speed by 8+ mph)...

...Then I’ll send you an additional $50 via PayPal for your trouble!

Plus EVERYTHING Else Included In All Access Membership

The Top Speed Golf System

Value: $1500

5 Courses Inside

Build Your Swing for Optimal Consistency and Maximal Distance. You'll learn the 5 fundamentals of the full swing System in a fun, easy-to-use course layout, completing the videos in order. All the videos are EXCLUSIVE to this website.

The 20 Minute Shallowing Fix

Value: $500

3 Week Course

You’ll discover two, little known moves, that will allow you to instantly and effortlessly shallow the club in a single range session. All while hitting the most solid shots of your life the next time you play a round of golf!

Short Game & Putting

Value: $750

3 Courses Inside

While not as sexy as the long game, short game and putting work can shave strokes off your scores fast. Wedge play, chipping, and putting are all covered in detail. Slash Scores off Your Handicap Fast with My Short Game and Putting Courses.

Indoor Impact Sequence

Value: $250

Indoor Program

Covers every aspect you need to know (and then some) for when you work on your swing at home and provides essential drills for making solid, ball first contact while working on your game indoors.

Bonus Courses

Value: $1750

7 Courses Inside

These are special, in-depth courses on specific topics. They are not part of the base Top Speed Golf System and are not required to play excellent golf. But You Can Conquer Your "Big Miss," Improve Faster with Training Secrets, and More with these BONUS Courses.

Office Hours

Value: Live Instructor

1 Hour Each Week Day

Get Your Most Pressing Golf Questions Answered LIVE! Insane value! Top Speed Golf Instructors charge $100+/hr for in-person lessons. With Office Hours, you're getting access to an hour of their advice every weekday. Over a year's time, that's over $30,000 worth of Instructor's advice!

Total Value : $4750

Your 10-Day Trial All Access Membership:


$77/Year therafter

That's 48% off the regular annual price of $149

And it comes with my full 365 day, 100% money back guarantee.
If you don't agree All Access Membership is worth every penny and more we'll refund your entire purchase price.

Easily cancel online anytime you want. If you have any issues, you can call us at

1-888-730-7557 and we'll make sure everything's right.

The 20 MINUTE DISTANCE FIX gives you a series of videos I created to help you gain big-time distance … in 20 minutes … and then with just 3 20-minute practice sessions per week for the next 3 weeks.

There are four parts to the series.

  • RECOMMENDED (But not required) Videos
  • WEEK 1
  • WEEK 2
  • WEEK 3
  • BONUS. Plus there’s a new bonus section I’ll tell you about in a minute.

It’s really simple.

Watch the videos. Complete the drills.

Enjoy your distance gains.

Let’s get into the 20 MINUTE DISTANCE FIX in detail.

Note: You’ll find a full list of everything in the 20 MINUTE DISTANCE FIX at the bottom of this web page.

QS0. Introduction

  • How the 20 MINUTE DISTANCE FIX works.

QS1. How to Start the 20 MINUTE DISTANCE FIX.

  • How to get going right away with the 20 MINUTE DISTANCE FIX and why it’s all about SPEED.

QS2. Big Hitters Mindset … Neural Adaptation Practice 

  • Introduction to Neural Adaptation Practice and why many of the world’s top athletes use it to boost their performance.

RECOMMENDED (But not required) Videos.

R1. How To Start This Course

  • Gaining the “big hitter” mindset … it’s easier than you might be thinking.

R2. What's the best speed measuring device?

  • Why you want to track your clubhead speed for progress.

R3. What If I Don't Have A Speed Measuring Device?

  • Different ways to measure speed.


1.1 Outdoor 1 (Catapult)

  • What you can learn from a medieval catapult to help you generate power from the ground up.

1.2 Outdoor 2 (Sumo Step)

  • What you really need to think about when it comes to weight and where it should be in your swing … plus what you can discover … and take to your game … from Tiger Woods, Rory McIlroy, and Ben Hogan.

1.3 Indoor. Catapult for Those Who Aren’t Flexible

  • What happens when you’re not that flexible. No worries … you can still get big-time distance gains.

1.4 Week 1 Drills Recap 

  • I go through all the exercises from this first week.

1.5 Big Hitters Mindset. If I Swing Faster … Won’t I Just Get Wild? 

  • It’s actually a great idea for accuracy … long-term … to max your distance plus some big misconceptions about accuracy.

1.6 Big Hitters Mindset … Neural Adaptation Training

  • How to get your mind into your distance. It’s easier than you think. It’s one thing to get stronger and more flexible … but more power FASTER comes from training your brain … NEURAL ADAPTATION.

1.7 Big Hitters Mindset. How Much Farther Do I Drive When I Gain 1 Mile Per Hour of Clubhead Speed.

  • What you can expect with your clubhead speed increases based on data from the PGA Tour … and what this means for you.

Max Speed vs. Play Speed

  • Why you really want to get the max up … and then you’ll gain control AND more distance.

1.8 Keeping Track of Your Improvement

  • What to record … and what not to and how to get a focus on the tactics that get results.


2.1 LAG … And the Boomerang 

  • The much more consistent way to generate lag and how lag will give you an extra 30 yards off the tee.

2.2 Half Back Full Release (Hammer Throw).

  • Why a full finish is so important for speed. The right way to get to this finish … and the wrong way.

2.3 Lag Release. Grip Ripper.

  • Ways to get powerful lag, CONSISTENTLY.

2.4 Week 2 Drills Recap

  • A review of … The Boomerang Drill … The Hammer Throw … The Grip Ripper … Bonus work for even more distance and progress … the intensity level you really need for big time distance gains.

2.5 When Swinging Hard But Hitting Bad

  • You’re trying to swing harder and things aren’t going well … direction-wise. This can happen at first. Why most golfers get more accurate with The 20 Minute Distance Fix.

2.6 Why You Want to Measure Swing Speed and NOT Distance 

  • It’s all about clubhead speed … whoever you are.
  • Why clubhead speed actually gives you more forgiveness.


3.1 High Arms (Sky Scraper)

  • What you can learn from the swing of Jack Nicklaus … who had clubhead speed of 125 mph by the way.
  • The principle of verticality and how that’s going to help you gain a ton more distance.

3.2 Back and Forth (Whiplash)

  • The whiplash exercise. Not an exercise you’ll see very often.
  • A great way to generate more speed … in the next few range sessions.

3.3 Leg Bend and Extend (Thanks to Basketball Great Dr. J)

  • Goal is to get legs into your swing … big muscles mean even more power.
  • Legs = potential for 35 extra yards.

3.4 Week 3 Drills Review and Summary

  • A review and summary of these power-exercises.
  • Try the exercises and see which ones work best for you.

3.5 Why Don't You Recommend Lifting Weights?

  • My surprising answer to the question above.

3.6 What’s Next For YOUR Game

  • Stick with these speed drills.


B.1 How to Get The Best Results While Working Indoors

  • Yes … you can definitely make progress while you’re inside.


  • A new way to prepare to hit a great shot.

B.3 What If I Hit a Slice

  • This can happen after indoor practice.
  • How to fix your slice if that happens.

B.4 What Happens If I’m Suddenly Hooking The Ball?

  • This can happen after indoor practice.
  • Your set up and posture can make all the difference.

B.5 You’re My Type of Golfer

  • All the dedication to the 20 MINUTE DISTANCE FIX WILL pay off.
  • How to provide feedback.
  • We love to hear from you.

Want to see a video from 20 MINUTE DISTANCE FIX? No problem … just click the play button below.

Each video also gives you a super-clear plan for each video/lesson. For example, here’s the plan for lesson 2.2 …

  • Warm-up with 15-20 swings to get loose.
  • Make 5 Practice Swings. Focus on legs bending to start the downswing, then drive legs up and around to a good finish. Club gets low and then rip grip off the club.
  • 5 Shots. Make 1 Practice Swing … Then Hit 1 Shot. Focus on shoulders. Imagine throwing someone off your left shoulder.
  • 5 Shots. Make 1 Practice Swing, Then Hit 1 Shot. Focus on the “casting motion. ” only it is up instead of forward.
  • 5 Shots. Make 1 Practice Swing, Then Hit 1 Shot. Focus on the feeling that worked the best for you.

As you can see, the program is detailed … and extremely well thought out.

So it’s clear why the 20 MINUTE DISTANCE FIX has helped hundreds of golfers get big-time gains in their distance … FAST.

And, as you’ll discover below, you can get access to all the videos in 20 MINUTE DISTANCE FIX for JUST ONE DOLLAR … as you’ll discover in a minute.

Easy Navigation … Super-Clear To Follow

As soon as you gain access to 20 MINUTE DISTANCE FIX, you’ll gain access to this navigation screen below.

Simply go to the video you want to watch … plus you can watch the videos on pretty much any device.

Even take your videos to the golf course and watch on your phone. Easy. You just need an Internet connection.


Want to take a tour of 20 MINUTE DISTANCE FIX? Click the play button below.

Here’s what you’ll discover in 20 MINUTE DISTANCE FIX

  • The secrets of a medieval torture device … and how it will help you smash longer drives … even if you’re not that flexible. And no … there’s no torture involved … just fun.
  • Get more golfing horsepower … from a men’s fashion accessory.
  • What world class sprinters can teach you about golf swing speed. Don’t worry, you won’t be sprinting and you won’t be sweating.
  • The simple power of the boomerang drill … and how it’s given several golfers an increase in clubhead speed of up to 20 mph almost instantly.
  • How a simple hammer … like the one you probably have in your tool kit … will give you more distance and help you ‘nail’ it every time.
  • A drill used on the PGA Tour called the “Grip Ripper.” I guarantee you haven’t seen this anywhere but it provides big results.
  • A drill that will help a 5'5" player swing faster than a 6'5" player. You’ll see this same move used by Jack Nicklaus and Tiger Woods.
  • The “Dr. J” move that helps you get more power from the most powerful muscles in your legs.
  • How range balls and temperature impact clubhead speed and distance.
  • And much, much more.

Here’s What You Can Expect from 20 MINUTE DISTANCE FIXExactly What Other Golfers Have Enjoyed

So … you might be asking … “what can I expect from 20 MINUTE DISTANCE FIX?”

First … through a special offer we’re running … you can try 20 MINUTE DISTANCE FIX for just $1 … more details farther below on this page.

But let’s get back to the golf course.

What can you expect?

Here’s my simple answer … exactly what the thousands of golfers who have taken the 20 MINUTE DISTANCE FIX program have enjoyed.

Let’s take a look at actual results from real golfers.

  • Increase distance with all clubs … but especially with the driver
  • 86% of those who finished the 20 MINUTE DISTANCE FIX added a ton of yards AND hit the ball as straight or straighter than before.
  • More greens in regulation because you’ll be hitting shorter irons into most greens.
  • Reach long par-4s more easily and start reaching par-5s.
  • Increase golf muscle strength without lifting any weights.
  • A totally different sound as the ball comes off the clubface.
  • Add 15 yards in 20 swings … yes … results can be that fast.
  • Add 20 MORE yards in 7 days.
  • 100% of students surveyed in the pilot group gained at least 10 yards off the tee.
  • 88.8% of students gained at least 20 off the tee.
  • 76.3% of students gained at least 25 yards off the tee.

Again … NO lifting weights … NO stretching … NO gadgets or anything crazy like that.

And yes … you’ll have people asking YOU to be in their scramble foursome for BIG HITTING … and not just your putting.

A New Shaft In Your Driver?

Probably …

Once you’ve got all this new speed, you might need a new shaft in your driver. But it’s a lot less expensive than a new driver.

It will be a fun change when you head into your pro shop or your clubfitter and you say, “I need to go from regular to stiff.”

The 20 MINUTE DISTANCE FIX is NOT for you if …

  • You’re a total beginner. Get a feel for the game for a few months … and play a bit and then you can enjoy the 20 MINUTE DISTANCE FIX.
  • You have some type of injury. Get that sorted out first then join us in the 20 MINUTE DISTANCE FIX.
  • You think it’s “magic” and you don’t want to put in the effort. You don’t have to spend hours every day on the 20 MINUTE DISTANCE FIX … but you need to commit to 20 minutes per day, 3 times per week, for 3 weeks.
  • And one more thing … you can get the 20 MINUTE DISTANCE FIX for just $1 … full details below.

26 Reasons to Get the 20 MINUTE DISTANCE FIX Into Your Golfing World …

  1. People WILL notice … get chosen for your scramble foursome for your raw power.
  2. MORE DISTANCE OFF THE TEE … at least 10 yards and then up to 50 yards. It’s what other golfers have achieved … you can enjoy the same. One golfer even gained 70 yards with the driver.
  3. Have more fun on the golf course … golf is a lot more fun when you’re really getting it out there.
  4. Fast results … 15 yards in 20 minutes … then much more as you complete the course. It only takes one hour of practice per week for 3 weeks.
  5. Just the way you are … no gym sessions … no stretching … no running marathons …
  6. PROVEN results … with thousands of golfers.
  7. Pipe it down the middle … stats show you become MORE accurate when you try to increase your clubhead speed.
  8. Save your money … no need to spend $550 on a new driver … but you might need a new shaft to handle all that new torque and energy.
  9. Shoot lower scores … you’ll hit more greens … more long par-4s in regulation … and even reach par-5s in two shots.
  10. Age doesn’t matter … I helped a 70-year-old get the type of clubhead speed found on the Champions Tour.
  11. Super-clear … Clear instruction that’s super-easy to understand. No technical mumbo-jumbo.
  12. Requires a commitment … but not much. Just 20 minutes every other day … for just 3 weeks.
  13. No need to visit the range every day … you can perform many of the drills at home.
  14. Over 4 hours of instruction ... to accelerate your improvement.
  15. CONSISTENCY off the tee … plus that distance.
  16. No more power leaks … because you’ll know what causes them and know how to keep them out of your game.
  17. Make the most of your practice time … because you’ll have a focus on what really generates power, clubhead speed, and distance.
  18. No more slicing … if that’s your issue. Many students said “goodbye” to weak fade shots immediately.
  19. Say goodbye to “casting” and those weak “over-the-top” moves that lead to weak shots and slicing.
  20. Join the ranks of the “elite” ball strikers who make smashing the ball look automatic.
  21. Generate power from your biggest muscles … so you maximize your distance and gain consistency.
  22. Discover how to reclaim and regain your distance if you have been sitting at a desk for too long.
  23. How to generate colossal torque and power in your full swing … even if you’ve been sitting at a desk for years and you’re not that flexible.
  24. Are you ready to make the most of your valuable practice time? We’ll show you how to make every second count.
  25. A big confidence boost … because you have a plan that works for distance plus accuracy.
  26. Did I mention it’s just $1? Sorry if I have … but it’s an amazing deal.

Real Golfers … Real Results … From the 20 MINUTE DISTANCE FIX

Right from the very start of the 20 MINUTE DISTANCE FIX, golfers have enjoyed spectacular results … meet some of them right now.

Dr. Ben Lashley


I’ve hit longer drives than I’ve ever hit on our home course … we have one par five where there’s a pond that’s in play. A week or two ago I was probably 50 yards past the pond. Definitely a long drive there … my clubhead speed has increased from 100 mph to 120 mph.

You start getting to where you're hitting a lot shorter club for your second shot. That's a huge difference … it feels like a natural swing to me, the swing speed is faster but the control is there too. I’ve got a better focus. I’m not thinking about the swing during the swing … as I progressed through the program and we got nearer to the end, I was seeing easily the 115 and 116 mph. Now I have a swing that feels more normal and I'm not having to try to kill it … the program has stuck with me already as the new normal. It's gratifying.

John Gochoco


It's just a good feeling to compress a ball … I understand what I'm trying to do … One of the most valuable things that you've taught me is how to practice … increased clubhead speed from 80 mph to over 100 mph … as part of my job I have to teach radiation physics to the radiology residents because they have to pass their board. They tell me I have a gift of imparting very difficult concepts so they can understand it and solve problems. I'm thinking to myself … ‘Hey, you may think that but you haven't seen this Clay Ballard guy.

Dr. Steve Lieberman


The class gave me permission to swing hard … and I was proving to myself what swing speeds I could achieve … I was like ‘wow, this is really cool.’ I went from 86 mph to 103 mph … I’m telling all my friends about it … the guys I like anyway … I’m a lot more confident.

Ken Hedges


I am so consistently longer now … that feels pretty good. I’m 25 to 30 yards longer off the tee … 81 to 90 mph right away … then up to 107 mph … people are awestruck with the results. I hope more people feel good about this and take advantage of it. They'll be pleased with their results if they follow your system and how you teach.

Golfers Spent $1,297 for the 20 MINUTE DISTANCE FIX in Orlando … But You Can Gain Video Access for ONE DOLLAR … That’s NOT a Typo.

When I launched 20 MINUTE DISTANCE FIX along with my partners at Top Speed Golf, we had a 2-day clinic in Orlando.

The cost … $1,297. And it was worth it. Great weather and great results.

Then we launched an online version of the clinic. The cost … $497. It was basically the instruction from the clinic available on a remote basis.

In fact, we’ve never sold access to the 20 MINUTE DISTANCE FIX content for less than $497.

But the other day, I said to my colleagues at Top Speed Golf, "let’s shoot some new videos and make the 20 MINUTE DISTANCE FIX available to every golfer".

Well my team came back to me and said, "let’s make it available for just ONE DOLLAR".

I said, “YOU MUST BE CRAZY” but they said … “let’s at least try it for a limited time.”

So Here’s The Deal …

I’ve created a totally comprehensive instruction program called … ALL ACCESS MEMBERSHIP.

Tens of thousands of golfers around the world have joined the system.

I describe and detail everything you get with the system below.

But here’s the deal.


That’s right … get ALL ACCESS MEMBERSHIP and you get the 20 MINUTE DISTANCE FIX … INCLUDED.

Whoop whoop!

And for a limited time, you can join ALL ACCESS MEMBERSHIP for … drum roll please … ONE DOLLAR …



You get 10 days to take a look at everything in ALL ACCESS MEMBERSHIP, including 20 MINUTE DISTANCE FIX.

If you don’t like it, for any reason … or no reason … contact our customer service team or cancel online and you won’t pay anything else.

Your choice.

You can cancel at any time and there’s NO long-term commitment. Nice.

Bottom line … you can try 20 MINUTE DISTANCE FIX and ALL ACCESS MEMBERSHIP … for 10 days … for JUST ONE DOLLAR.

As promised, let me get into everything you get with ALL ACCESS MEMBERSHIP … and it’s A LOT.

  • 20 MINUTE DISTANCE FIX … Just added.
  • Top Speed Golf Full Swing System. 5 video courses covering full swing/ball striking.
  • Top Speed Short Game and Putting System … 3 video courses that will transform your short game.
  • TEN “Quick Win” Bonus Courses covering every part of your game.
  • Weekday “Office Hours” with a highly-qualified and experienced instructor so you can ask specific questions about your game.
  • THE VAULT … hundreds of videos organized by category. Everything from driving to putting.


Here’s Everything You Get For Just $1

20 Minute Distance Fix

You'll find the most researched, age and flexibility defying 3 week program that allows you to add serious distance with every club in your bag. Only available here! Drive The Ball 20-70 Yards Further Without Sacrificing Accuracy! You can expect...

  • 15 Yards in 20 Minutes
  • 20 - 40 Yards in Just 21 Days
  • Get More Accurate
  • No Gym Visits
  • Works Regardless of Age, Fitness or Flexibility

...And A Ridiculous Big Hitter Guarantee

If you typically shoot 105 or better for 18 holes and don't have any serious injuries...

...and if you simply do each of the practice sessions for 20 minutes, exactly as they're laid out in the course's Big Hitter Tracking Sheet...

Then you’ll be blasting your best drives 20 to 70 yards farther while maintaining or improving your accuracy...
Or else you’ll get every penny back...

PLUS, if in 3 weeks you send me your completed Big Hitter Tracking Sheet showing that you didn’t improve your best drives by 20+ yards (or swing speed by 8+ mph)...

...Then I’ll send you an additional $50 via PayPal for your trouble!

Plus EVERYTHING Else Included In All Access Membership

The Top Speed Golf System

Value: $1500

5 Courses Inside

Build Your Swing for Optimal Consistency and Maximal Distance. You'll learn the 5 fundamentals of the full swing System in a fun, easy-to-use course layout, completing the videos in order. All the videos are EXCLUSIVE to this website.

The 20 Minute Shallowing Fix

Value: $500

3 Week Course

You’ll discover two, little known moves, that will allow you to instantly and effortlessly shallow the club in a single range session. All while hitting the most solid shots of your life the next time you play a round of golf!

Short Game & Putting

Value: $750

3 Courses Inside

While not as sexy as the long game, short game and putting work can shave strokes off your scores fast. Wedge play, chipping, and putting are all covered in detail. Slash Scores off Your Handicap Fast with My Short Game and Putting Courses.

Indoor Impact Sequence

Value: $250

Indoor Program

Covers every aspect you need to know (and then some) for when you work on your swing at home and provides essential drills for making solid, ball first contact while working on your game indoors.

Bonus Courses

Value: $1750

7 Courses Inside

These are special, in-depth courses on specific topics. They are not part of the base Top Speed Golf System and are not required to play excellent golf. But You Can Conquer Your "Big Miss," Improve Faster with Training Secrets, and More with these BONUS Courses.

Office Hours

Value: Live Instructor

1 Hour Each Week Day

Get Your Most Pressing Golf Questions Answered LIVE! Insane value! Top Speed Golf Instructors charge $100+/hr for in-person lessons. With Office Hours, you're getting access to an hour of their advice every weekday. Over a year's time, that's over $30,000 worth of Instructor's advice!

Total Value : $4750

Your 10-Day Trial All Access Membership:


$77/Year therafter

That's 48% off the regular annual price of $149

And it comes with my full 365 day, 100% money back guarantee.
If you don't agree All Access Membership is worth every penny and more we'll refund your entire purchase price.

Easily cancel online anytime you want. If you have any issues, you can call us at

1-888-730-7557 and we'll make sure everything's right.

You can try everything above for 10 days for JUST ONE DOLLAR

Let’s get into a bit more detail about everything you get with ALL ACCESS MEMBERSHIP.

Top Speed Golf Full Swing System Gives You …

  • Stable and Fluid Spine … The #1 Key to Consistency in Your Swing
  • Power Turn … The Fastest Way to Pick Up Distance Today
  • Top Speed Lag … The Tour Secret to Effortless Power
  • Compression Line … Mash the Ball with the Proper Impact Position
  • Straight-Line Release … Let It All Go for Maximum Speed

We built the Top Speed Golf Full Swing System around the 5 REAL Fundamentals of great golf. You can expect to …

  • Improve your swing faster by focusing on the 5 real fundamentals and ignoring tiny details that make almost zero difference in your game.
  • Improve your consistency.
  • Increase your distance.
  • Swing more efficiently.
  • Swing like all the greatest players of all time ... they all demonstrate the 5 Real Fundamentals

The 20 Minute Shallowing Fix

  • Start making consistent ball-then-turf contact for the most solid shots of your life
  • Turn your shots from weak, glancing blows into penetrating baby draws that just sound “different”.
  • Automatically deliver the club into impact slightly from the inside and with a perfectly square face.

Top Speed Golf Short Game System

  • Chipping Mastery … Get Up-and-Down easily every time you’re on the course.
  • TSG Putting System … Sink practically all your short putts and avoid three-putts.
  • TSG Wedge System … Attack the Pins with Your Scoring Clubs.

Office Hours … Talk With a Professional Instructor every weekday…

  • You’re not alone in this journey.
  • Clear up any confusion you have with expert feedback.
  • Never get stuck with your game … always know how to make progress.
  • Chat with the sharpest minds in golf instruction
  • Work with experienced pros who have worked with thousands of golfers.

9 “Quick Win” Bonus Courses … Fix What’s Ailing Your Game …

  • Never Slice Again … Turn that Weak Banana Ball into a Penetrating Draw.
  • Never Hook Again … Bid farewell to the scariest shot in golf
  • Stop Your Early Extension … finally figure out how to stay in your posture for solid shots.
  • Stop Chunking & Topping … Tips, tricks, drills, and training aids for ultimate consistency!
  • Play Your Best Golf After 50 … Specific techniques to improve … no matter your age.
  • Master the Mental Game … Secrets to avoid sabotaging your rounds.
  • The Science of Faster Improvement … Maximize your practice and improve faster than everyone else.
  • Golf Fitness with Joe Yoon … Get in shape for golf while watching TV.
  • Indoor Impact Sequence … Boost your distance right at home.

You’re gaining access to one of the deepest libraries of golf content on the planet.



Jack Theus

Great Improvement

When I first found Top Speed Golf, I was hesitant to sign up because I'm cautious with using my credit card online and I was skeptical of getting good instructions for such a low price. After finally giving in and joining, I couldn't be happier with my decision to join Top Speed Golf! I almost feel guilt for getting such great instruction for this low price. At my age, golf is first and foremost, exercise in the fresh air on a beautiful course, with pleasant company. I've seen great improvement in my game since joining Top Speed Golf!

Dr. John O. Meadors


Top Speed Golf has been the best investment for my golf game ever! I have spent thousands of dollars on lessons, but haven't gotten the results that I've already seen from my All Access Membership. I love how Clay breaks the swing down into 5 Key Fundamentals. I now have the Top Speed Golf videos to review and practice with every day! My swing feels so much better and I can hardly wait to get back on the course and beat all my friends!

Mike Montgomery


You have a wonderful gift of taking a vast amount of material and condensing and organizing it into logical user friendly segments that are easy to understand and follow. Your basic 5 fundamentals of the swing are brilliant in their simplicity and application. Every time I pick up a club, I run through each of the fundamentals as a wellness checkup for my swing. In summary, having worked with the Top Speed Golf System for over a year now, I have seen significant improvements in my swing and in my game. Credit for the improvement goes to you and the TSG System, for providing a clear step by step path to improvement. The fundamentals of the TSG System allow me to practice and play with a clear understanding of what is required to properly execute the golf swing, so that I can swing and play with intention.

Gill Cole


At 68 years young and after having not played golf for nearly 25 years, I began getting the free lessons from Clay. The free instruction was so good that I HAD to have access to the entire system. I’m so glad that I did as I’ve discovered that TSG delivers a top quality set of instructions and game improvement disciplines, while also teaching a healthy method of playing. I honestly believe the Top Speed Golf System should be taught by high school and college coaches everywhere! I’ve followed, sampled, watched and employed many internet-based golf study systems, and have taken great in-person lessons, but none have put forth such an effective instructional system of game improvement practice comparable to Top Speed Golf! Top Speed Golf can be utilized and initiated at any level of golfing expertise. It’s a new way to learn and unfolds conceptual disciplines of instructions upon logical and helpful lines. The free lessons are great, but learning the “system” is the way to find the true, lasting benefits of TSG. From the tee to the cup, you won’t regret becoming a member of Top Speed Golf! As I continue to markedly improve my golf game through TSG, I encourage you to join us and enjoy learning along with us from our personal instructors at Top Speed Golf!

Stan Spadoni



In my younger years, I played Division II college golf and as of late I have been our men’s club champion for a number of years, so I didn’t think online instruction would be for me. However, I hit a wall with my improvement, and watched my handicap keep going up instead of down, and lost much confidence in my entire game. I decided to give Top Speed Golf a chance and joined as an All Access Member. I started the year as a 6 handicap and finished below 3 while gaining approximately 7.5 yards per iron and 15 yards off the tee. I’ve found that my All Access Membership helps my understanding of the golf swing and has made practice fun! I’ve played and practiced more than I ever have in my golfing career since joining TSG because I have fun working through the “system.” The short game section was also extremely beneficial and helped me get back to the basics. I really look forward to continue working through the system and continue to learn. I find Clay’s instruction fascinating! I fully recommend TSG because of the simplicity of the system and how well Clay explains the instruction. Thank you Top Speed Golf!

Dan Frederickson


I’ve tried other online instruction and have taken expensive in-person lessons with multiple instructors and my game never really improved. Because of this, I was hesitant to join Top Speed Golf. I could see from the free lessons that Clay’s method of teaching was easy to understand and was very insightful, so I decided to give it a shot. I’m so glad that I did as the “system” really works and my handicap has dropped from a 12 to a 7 in a matter of months! I now understand my swing in a way that makes sense to me and can now diagnose any issues that arise in my swing. I am much more confident on the course now! I was initially hooked by the ‘Straight Line Release’ concept and now I stick to the entire system completely! I fully recommend Top Speed Golf because it works! The information is presented logically, and in precise, easy to understand terms. Your handicap will go down, you will hit longer drives, and you will compress your irons more. Overall, it just makes the game much more fun!

Mike Gibson


Just wanted to let you guys know that I believe signing up for Top Speed Golf is going to be the best decision I ever made for my golf game! I was reluctant to sign up for TSG because I had previously been a member of a program that did nothing but confuse me by giving me conflicting information by multiple instructors. I have been stuck bouncing between a 7 & 9 handicap for years, I am convinced that with your system I am going to break that plateau. I would recommend TSG to anyone who wants to understand the golf swing and learn it through a systematic approach instead of bouncing around from golf tip to golf tip.

Dan C.


I had been looking through YouTube for a good online golf swing tutorial and came across Top Speed Golf. I noticed the articulation that Clay and Robin delivered. While the random videos were useful, I needed a systematic approach to follow, so I decided to become an All Access Member of Top Speed Golf. Once I began watching and participating in the drills, I noticed the attention to the details! Wow! I started doing the drills and putting in the reps and I could feel things were changing. I started to not be so ‘ball bound’ meaning I was developing my swing through the drills and then at the range, and the golf ball was merely ‘getting in the way.’ The best part of TSG is the detailed instruction. I especially like ‘The Move.’ Once I got it down, I started making better impact, and (oh my goodness!) I started cranking my drives! The contact on my irons also improved and I started getting the attention of my playing partners. I've been playing golf for 3.5 years, and with the help of TSG, I hope to break 80 real soon!

F.J. Jiun


I typically don't write testimonials, but I felt the need to give one to Top Speed Golf. The Top Speed Golf System is very easy to understand and the drills are excellent tools to help you improve. If you follow the system step by step and put the work in, you're guaranteed to improve tremendously! I fully recommend Top Speed Golf for many reasons. It's very affordable, gives you unlimited access to incredible resources, and the instruction is second to none. Top Speed Golf has a very serious and dedicated team that puts the customer first.

Jack Widger, PGA Professional


I am absolutely enjoying the Top Speed Golf progression! I have taken countless lessons from my fellow club professionals and have read many of the old classic and current teaching books. The minute I saw an introduction video on the internet of the way Clay explained the straight line release, I was wowed, and said that ‘I can see what Clay is saying, but I'm not doing that’. The program has really given me focus. I have never had impact positions and angles explained so well and in such detail. It just made sense the way Clay breaks it down. Just started the "Power Turn" and can honestly say I am wowed again! I have never protracted and retracted my shoulders and it feels great. I can already see my club head speed picking up. This series will no doubt improve my teaching skills as a Club Professional and will hopefully pay off when I play against my peers next spring. Great work on this program! Love it!

Simon Clarke


I just wanted to let you guys know that I've been signed up for TSG now for only 3 days, I went to the range today and all I can say is wow! I've played golf on and off since I was 10, I'm now 54 and I have never hit the ball like I did today. Using a camera to film myself yesterday revealed some major faults in my swing, biggest being over the top swing path, which I've struggled to correct since forever. So I had a look through what you had in the vault and came across the video "G051. How to Shallow the Club with Gravity in Your Golf Swing." Man, that is pure gold! I have never heard this anywhere else, how simple, relax and just let the club and gravity do the work. If the only thing I get from your course is that, then I would be totally happy with the money spent. I have made more progress in the last 2 days than in my entire lifetime. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I can't wait to see what else is in store as I work through the course.

Thad Leffingwell, Ph.D. Sports Psychologist (Oklahoma State University)


Excited to share with you how happy I am with my progress. The lowest nine I've ever shot ... This afternoon I shot a 32! I had five birdies in nine holes. I putted for eagle twice, driving a par four and reaching a par five in two. You'll notice on the card I was using the 'six threes' approach which also helped me go lower. I'm hitting it farther and straighter than I have in 35 years of golf. The most exciting thing to me is that my swing is consistent. Before I learned your system and really understood my swing, I would have good ball-striking days because I tweaked one thing, then the next day I wouldn't and would spend the next several weeks trying to find a new tweak. Now I understand my swing and can understand what I'm doing based on ball flight and contact. I'm loving golf and having fun again.

Chris Hunsucker

PRO SHOOTS 59! Then Joins Top Speed Golf as an Instructor!

Clay's Top Speed Golf System is a well-planned, step-by-step system that will help any level golfer improve their game. Clay's knowledge of the biomechanics of the golf swing is exceptional! After a 12-year absence from the game, I used Clay's Top Speed Golf System and videos to prepare for competitive senior golf. I'm happy to share with you that I recently shot a 59 at Breckenridge Park golf club in San Antonio, TX, and I finished tied for 11th at the 2016 European Senior Qualifying school in Portugal.

Want 20-30 Extra Yards Off The Tee? Want Great Ball Striking and Scoring?

Take These Steps Right Now …

  1. Click the big button below to start your $1 Trial.
  2. Go through checkout … takes about 60 seconds.
  3. Start enjoying your videos.

PRIVACY. The checkout is super-simple and is secure. We will NOT share your details with any third party.


The 20 MINUTE DISTANCE FIX and ALL ACCESS MEMBERSHIP must help you gain dramatic distance FAST. You must also start to shoot lower scores. The instruction must be super-clear and super-easy to understand.

Our instruction has helped tens of thousands improve and have more fun on the golf course. The instruction must help YOU improve, too.

If the 20 MINUTE DISTANCE FIX … Or … ALL ACCESS MEMBERSHIP fails to deliver on ANY of the promises we’ve made here, you get a full refund.

In fact, we’ll even refund the $1 for the trial period. Plus you can cancel your monthly or annual subscription at any time and for any reason. No questions asked. You can contact us through email, through the online form, or speak with a customer service specialist. It’s up to you.

We’re very serious about your satisfaction. We only want your business if we’re delivering on our promises and your game is dramatically improving.

Now You Have a Simple Decision to Make … Are You Going to Make the Right Decision for YOUR Game?

So right now you have a simple decision.

You can continue to hit the ball like you do right now.

Sort of … OK distance.

Or … you can try the 20 MINUTE DISTANCE FIX.

Remember the LEAST any golfer has gained with the 20 MINUTE DISTANCE FIX is 10.4 extra yards.

And many golfers have gained more than 30 yards. One golfer even gained 70 yards with the driver.

So it’s something you should definitely try.

And you can try it for just $1.

If you’re not satisfied in any way, you get your money back.

So there’s absolutely NOTHING to lose.

To YOUR game and YOUR distance.

Clay Ballard
Top Speed Golf

P.S. This $1 offer will only be available for a limited time.

And remember … the 20 MINUTE DISTANCE FIX has helped thousands of golfers make major distance gains off the tee. You can join them … and get a phone call asking you to join a scramble foursome … FOR YOUR DRIVING DISTANCE.


Here’s Everything You Get For Just $1

20 Minute Distance Fix

You'll find the most researched, age and flexibility defying 3 week program that allows you to add serious distance with every club in your bag. Only available here! Drive The Ball 20-70 Yards Further Without Sacrificing Accuracy! You can expect...

  • 15 Yards in 20 Minutes
  • 20 - 40 Yards in Just 21 Days
  • Get More Accurate
  • No Gym Visits
  • Works Regardless of Age, Fitness or Flexibility

...And A Ridiculous Big Hitter Guarantee

If you typically shoot 105 or better for 18 holes and don't have any serious injuries...

...and if you simply do each of the practice sessions for 20 minutes, exactly as they're laid out in the course's Big Hitter Tracking Sheet...

Then you’ll be blasting your best drives 20 to 70 yards farther while maintaining or improving your accuracy...
Or else you’ll get every penny back...

PLUS, if in 3 weeks you send me your completed Big Hitter Tracking Sheet showing that you didn’t improve your best drives by 20+ yards (or swing speed by 8+ mph)...

...Then I’ll send you an additional $50 via PayPal for your trouble!

Plus EVERYTHING Else Included In All Access Membership

The Top Speed Golf System

Value: $1500

5 Courses Inside

Build Your Swing for Optimal Consistency and Maximal Distance. You'll learn the 5 fundamentals of the full swing System in a fun, easy-to-use course layout, completing the videos in order. All the videos are EXCLUSIVE to this website.

The 20 Minute Shallowing Fix

Value: $500

3 Week Course

You’ll discover two, little known moves, that will allow you to instantly and effortlessly shallow the club in a single range session. All while hitting the most solid shots of your life the next time you play a round of golf!

Short Game & Putting

Value: $750

3 Courses Inside

While not as sexy as the long game, short game and putting work can shave strokes off your scores fast. Wedge play, chipping, and putting are all covered in detail. Slash Scores off Your Handicap Fast with My Short Game and Putting Courses.

Indoor Impact Sequence

Value: $250

Indoor Program

Covers every aspect you need to know (and then some) for when you work on your swing at home and provides essential drills for making solid, ball first contact while working on your game indoors.

Bonus Courses

Value: $1750

7 Courses Inside

These are special, in-depth courses on specific topics. They are not part of the base Top Speed Golf System and are not required to play excellent golf. But You Can Conquer Your "Big Miss," Improve Faster with Training Secrets, and More with these BONUS Courses.

Office Hours

Value: Live Instructor

1 Hour Each Week Day

Get Your Most Pressing Golf Questions Answered LIVE! Insane value! Top Speed Golf Instructors charge $100+/hr for in-person lessons. With Office Hours, you're getting access to an hour of their advice every weekday. Over a year's time, that's over $30,000 worth of Instructor's advice!

Total Value : $4750

Your 10-Day Trial All Access Membership:


$77/Year therafter

That's 48% off the regular annual price of $149

And it comes with my full 365 day, 100% money back guarantee.
If you don't agree All Access Membership is worth every penny and more we'll refund your entire purchase price.

Easily cancel online anytime you want. If you have any issues, you can call us at

1-888-730-7557 and we'll make sure everything's right.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Why should I work on distance first, instead of consistency or technique?

Question: Am I too inflexible or out of shape for this?

Question:  Am I too old for this?

Question: If this is a 3-week course, why do I have to purchase an auto-renewing membership?

Question: Do I have enough time to go through this course?

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