Using a constraints-led approach puts an object (constraint) in a position that forces you to complete the task correctly - or risk crashing into the object.
In the case of the Blue Brick, the object is the alignment stick, or multiple sticks depending on the task you're setting up for.
When you place a stick in the shallowing slot, your downswing will smack the stick if you're too steep.
You don't want to do that, right?
So you intentionally avoid the stick, swing after swing, and before you know it...
You groove a swing that shallows the club automatically.
Plus, there are different settings to improve other areas of your swing:
- Master the inside-to-out swing path so you hit sweet baby draws on command
- Launch your wedges at the pros' magic 30° angle for exquisite control
- Get hands-ahead impact for powerful ball compression
- Make pure contact and beautiful square divots
- Have perfect alignment and ball position, so you're always on target