Acclaimed Golf Teacher With A Channel Bigger Than Golf Digest And Golf Magazine Combined Reveals His...

ā€œShallow-to-square sequenceā€

Using a simple practice sequence that guarantees you consistently shallow your club... square your clubface at impact... and make flush contact ā€” on virtually every shot.

If you struggle with an ugly slice... 

If your drives land embarrassingly short... 

And especially if you suffer from inconsistent ball striking... 

That makes it impossible to play your best golf ā€” or confidently finish rounds... 

Then what youā€™re about to discover may seem almost too good to be true.

And yet here ā€” finally ā€” is an absolutely PROVEN way to... 

Begin Hitting Draw After Draw, On Command... 

Add up to 25 laser-accurate yards to your drives... 

And make the most consistently flush contact of your life. 

ALL in just a single bucket of balls. 

Hi, Iā€™m Clay Ballard ā€” and I know thatā€™s a bold promise.

And if youā€™ve suffered from these issues for years ā€” or even decades... 

Like most amateur golfers...

Then youā€™re probably thinking, ā€œYah right, Clay.ā€ 

But My Videos Havenā€™t Generated Over 200 Million Views On YouTube By Accident

So when I tell you that this breakthrough does NOT require you to change clubs... 

It doesnā€™t ask you to take expensive lessons... or use awkward training aids... 

It Takes No More Than 5 Minutes Of Practice Swingsā€¦ and Then ONE
SINGLE SHOT On The Rangeā€¦

And that you WONā€™T need to make crazy changes to your swing... 

Spend endless hours practicing until your joints burn. 

Or suffer through complicated techniques or tips that never work.

Well, you can trust me. 

Because in reality, ALL you need to do instead is... 

Follow The Simple ā€œShallow-To-Squareā€ Sequence ā€” Perfected In Over 22,000 Hours Teaching... 

And given to tens of thousands of golfers all over the world... 

Which can be practiced on the range ā€” with a single bucket of balls...  

This simple sequence squares your clubface at impact, over and over... 

So that you permanently kiss your slice goodbye... 

Add distance with BOTH your driver and your irons... 

While transforming your contact and consistency ā€” FOR LIFE. 

These Golfers Were Skeptical Too... 

Until they learned this unique approach for shallowing the club... 

On the golf course my swing naturally fell into place, and my ball striking was immediately improved. The next day out I shot a 77, 1 under my age. Driving distance was dramatically improved, and irons were crisp.

Peter | 78 | Florida

Wow, I have struggled to do the move to shallow the club for months. This made it easy. Within 5 or 6 swings it worked.

Michael C.

To hit the ball 250 yards is a huge advantage over guys my age. I can draw the ball with no problem now. Canā€™t thank you enough. For a 79-year-old, that means a lot. 

Stephen O. | 79

Just like these players... 

Youā€™ve probably even tried different ways to STOP coming in steep and over the top... 

And yet nothing works. 

Thatā€™s Because THIS Approach To Shallowing The Club Is Unlike Anything Youā€™ve Ever Tried

You wonā€™t see it talked about on TV, on golf shows, or published in magazines. 

This sequence works where all other shallowing approaches have failed you... 

Because itā€™s based on little-known research from one of the most advanced golf labs in the world... 

Research which PROVES that the most consistent way to get your clubface square at impact... 

And not only avoid slicing... 

But Also Hit The Center Of The Face And Pure Each Shot... 

Is to get your clubhead BELOW a critical plane on your downswing. 

This is literally the #1 difference between golfers who are consistent... 

And those who are not. 

Thatā€™s what makes this Shallow-to-Square Sequence so powerful and effective... 

It gets to the ROOT CAUSE of what produces: 

An over the top swing... 

Erratic ball flight... 

Fat shots, thin shots and other mishits... 

And Pretty Much Anything Getting In The Way Of YOU Playing Better Golf Now 

You see, by forcing your path inside this critical plane... 

In other words ā€” shallowing the club... or dropping in the slot... 

You fix virtually everything wrong with your swing right now.

Thatā€™s the honest truth. 

Because besides putting... 

Literally every other part of your game benefits massively from shallowing... 

And This Sequence Is The Fastest, Easiest Way To Install It ā€” Directly Into Your Swing ā€” Right Now

I know because in the tens of thousands of hours of video training Iā€™ve delivered since becoming a teaching pro... 

And the tens of millions of YouTube views my channel has received... 

Iā€™ve never ONCE met a golfer who was given the fully ā€œcorrectā€ advice about shallowing... 

Itā€™s always a laundry list of difficult or awkward adjustments youā€™re supposed to make... 

Things to do differently with your wristsā€¦ 

Or changes to the way you move your forearmsā€¦ your elbowsā€¦ your shouldersā€¦ your hipsā€¦ you get the point. 

If any of that were going to work... it would have happened by now. 

We both know youā€™re here watching this... because NONE of that is effective. 

Yet You Need To Shallow The Club If Youā€™re Going To Play Your Best Golf... 

So whatā€™s the answer?

Itā€™s simply the Shallow-to-Square Sequence Iā€™m about to show you.  

Because it corrects years, and even decades, of bad habits... 

Even if youā€™re not as strong or flexible as you once were... 

Even if you donā€™t have time to play or practice as much as youā€™d like... 

And especially if you canā€™t bend or rotate like players in their 20s or 30s... 

Seriously ā€” none of that matters. 

Just Hit A Single Bucket Of Practice Balls Following My Easy-To-Follow Instructions... 

And, for the first time in your life, youā€™ll be consistently shallowing the club. 

Plus the results will be permanent.

Because this simple sequence removes the actual SOURCE of your over-the-top swing... And installs a natural shallowing action ā€” DIRECTLY into your swing.

Imagine finally stepping up to the first tee... 

And having total confidence youā€™re going to pure the ball... 

Or, on the next shot ā€” pulling out your iron, hybrid or fairway wood...

And Knowing Youā€™re Going To Make Dead-Center Contact...

Hit your target... 

And put yourself into a position to score lower. 

Literally every single time you play. 

Thatā€™s why I urge you to shut off all distractions...

Silence your phone... turn up the volume... 

And pay close attention for the next several minutes.

Because it doesn't matter how long youā€™ve been slicing...

It doesnā€™t matter if you seem to lose distance with each passing year...

Or your contact is so up and down, you can barely finish a round... 

Even if NOTHING has worked for you before today... 

This Game-Changing Shallow-To-Square Sequence Is Not Something You Can Learn Anywhere Else... 

It will correct virtually any flaw in your swing right now... 

Any major issue throwing off your game... 

And soon have you shooting lower scores and playing the best golf in years... maybe ever. 

Now, in a moment, Iā€™m going to teach you how my Shallow-to-Square Sequence works... 

And exactly why it fixes slicing... distance issues... poor contact... and pretty much anything making you an inconsistent golfer right now.

But before I do that... 

Iā€™m Going To Tell You The Weird Backstory Of How I ā€œAccidentallyā€ Confirmed Its Power... 

With one of the countryā€™s top golf researchers ā€” who leads one of the most advanced labs in the world. 

See, I have played golf at an elite level for almost 20 years.

First in college and then on mini tours. 

During that time, I've lost count of how many other professionals have come to me for help fixing subtle issues with their swings...

This gave me a unique ā€œedgeā€ when I started working with amateur players.

And Itā€™s A Big Reason Why I Built An Audience Of Over 640,000 Avid Golfers On My Youtube Channelā€¦

Making it the 4th largest in the world, nearly double the audience of Golf Digest and Golf Magazine ā€“ COMBINED.

Because in giving over 22,000 hours of video instruction... 

I got to the point where I would often see EXACTLY what was wrong with their swing ā€” in a matter of seconds... 

And I've been pretty darn fortunate to discover some extremely simple and effective ways to fix problems... which were unlike anything being taught publicly. 

Part of it was by sheer necessity... 

For many of my in-person lessons or video demonstrations, players were traveling in to work with me. 

They didnā€™t have time or the option to take dozens of lessons. 

They Needed Results ā€” Permanent Results ā€” In A SINGLE SESSION

And the pressure was on me to fix their issue in that first session... or Iā€™d look like I didnā€™t know what I was doing. 

That said, most players coming to me had been struggling with a slice... or distance... or poor contact... 

Not for weeks ā€” but years. In some cases, the pain had been there for DECADES. 

So how on earth could I quickly reverse such long standing bad habits in a single session? 

That question haunted me... 

Until one day, I noticed something in a pro's swing that I almost NEVER saw in an amateur swing... 

You can see it here: 

My epiphany was seeing that all pro's get under this "shallowing line".

This Is What I Call The ā€œShallowing Lineā€... 

And every single pro I ever played or worked with... without fail... 

Got their clubhead and face below or INSIDE this line... 

This is closely connected to the ever-desirable ā€œswinging from the insideā€... 

Or ā€œdropping into the slotā€... 

And for reasons youā€™re about to understand... 

Ensures longer, straighter ball flight... 

Perfectly flush contact... 

And The Ability To Consistently Hit Your Target, Whether With A Driver Or Irons

But the amateurs I worked with? 

Well, roughly 97% of the time ā€”their swing moves ABOVE this line... 

Roughly 97% of amateurs are over the "shallowing line", which creates all sorts of problems.

Leading to coming in way too ā€œsteepā€... 

Which often results in horrible slicing... 

Fat shots, thin shots, and other contact issues... 

All Of Which Destroys Your Ball Speed After Contact... And Therefore Robs You Of Distance

Most amateurs sorta know they have this problem... 

Because almost every new golfer starts off by hitting the ball to the right. 

But then, to adjust for slicing... 

They develop the habit of coming over the top... 

Since thatā€™s the only way to try and close the clubface at impact... 

And not slice quite as badly. 

Sadly, the ball usually still slices... it just moves left a little more first.

But it gets worse though...

Because slicing results from a glancing blow on the ball, which absolutely KILLS your ball speed

Again, This Reduced Swing Speed Can Then Cost You 20... 30... Sometimes Even 40 Plus Yards Of Distance

Worst of all, the inconsistent contact you experience takes all of the joy out of playing. 

Since, as you know... 

Contact is THE most important thing when it comes to shooting lower scores. And having a good time every time you step onto the course. 

I saw all this as clear as day... 

And then when I began working with Sasho MacKenzie... 

I finally got PROOF that this wasnā€™t just in my imagination. 

Sasho, the research genius behind many of the worldā€™s top pros... 

Showed me hard UNDENIABLE evidence in the form of biomechanical swing data... 

Swing over that line, aka... 

ā€œComing In Steepā€ Causes All Of The Symptoms Weā€™ve Been Talking About Here 

The painful left-to-right ball flight... 

Embarrassingly slow swing speed... 

The frequent mishits... 

And inconsistency that leads to blow-up holes and rounds. 

One of the bigger problems of coming in steep like this...

In other words, OUTSIDE this critical line... 

Is that you never really know where your clubface is... 

Not in the backswing... not in the downswing. 

And That Is A HUGE Confidence Killer

Just imagine if I had you walk into a totally dark room filled with furniture... 

Youā€™d never been in this room before ā€” and there was absolutely zero light.

What are the odds you could get across the room without bumping into anything?

Pretty much zero... and youā€™d feel unsure of yourself and worried the entire time. 

Well, THAT is the way most golfers feel as they swing the club. 

They never really know where their clubface is or how to control it fully. 

And itā€™s no wonder they struggle and feel like pulling their hair out. 

Can You See Why I Spent So Much Time Trying To Figure Out A Way To Help Amateurs Master Shallowing? 

Because I knew that if I could get them to shallow the club... 

Then the clubface naturally drops into the slot, where you can FEEL it naturally... 

And that makes everything... literally EVERYTHING... so much better. 

The club automatically squares at impact, leading to flush contact...

And every shot easily flies farther and straighter... 

Even with no other changes to the swing... 

And virtually no time spent banging balls on the range. 

I Just Knew That I Had To Throw Out Everything Traditional Golf Instruction Said About Shallowing

See, traditional approaches to shallowing isolate different parts of your swing... 

Your grip... your shoulders (including rotation)... your hips... and more. 

But when you try to sync all of those elements together in a tiny fraction of a second... 

Some research says itā€™s less than one SIXTH of one second... 

Well, your mind can only process so much information at once.

And the second it feels overloaded...

It goes back to its automatic compensatory mechanism for squaring the clubface... 

Which as you now know, is an over-the-top swing. 

Every Conventional Approach To Shallowing Is Like This... 

You try to adjust one... two... or three parts of your swing... 

And each time you do, the rest of your swing falls apart. 

Letā€™s say, for example, you try to tuck your elbow in... 

Which is something many experts recommend... 

Because this is supposed to give you lag and help swing from the "inside"... 

But the problem is... 

If the rest of your body is NOT in the right position when you tuck your elbow... 

You will still miss the slot... 

For most people tucking the elbow is just dang awkward!

And Worse, Your Swing Will Actually Get Slower Through Impact 

Itā€™s the same with another piece of advice often recommended for shallowing... 

Which is ā€œbowing your wristsā€... 

Bowing the left wrist: Good advice for some, painful for others.

Specifically, many golfers are told to bow their left wrist to better shallow the club...

In theory, this helps you square the clubface at impact... 

And allows you to swing on an inside-out swing path.

While this is technically true... 

This Is Also A VERY Difficult Move For Amateurs To Execute... 

And often leads to trying to make micro adjustments with the wrists and an inconsistent club angle at impact... 

Or worse, it can even lead to wrist pain if you aren't extremely flexible in your wrists.

Again, there is truth to having the correct hinge in your wrists... 

But the way itā€™s conventionally taught will NOT lead to shallowing. 

The last and most common piece of advice given to golfers looking to shallow the ball... 

Is to focus on your ā€œweight shiftā€... 

You're told to feel your weight shift to your lead side...

While feeling like your chest continues rotating AWAY from the target.

This whole weight shift, and rotation thing can feel as complex as this looks... but it doesn't need to be.

Again, This Is What Actually Happens When You Shallow The Club... 

But that doesnā€™t mean itā€™s the best advice for GETTING you into the slot easily... 

Think about it... 

Performing this ā€œweight shiftā€ is already multiple swing thoughts in one single adjustment. 

Are you starting to see the problem here? 

If youā€™re following all of the conventional wisdom... 

Youā€™re supposed to tuck in your elbow... 

Bow your left wrist... 

Each of which requires separate adjustments... 

And then, on top of that, shift your weight in a very specific way that isnā€™t easy. 

The odds of any amateur successfully executing all this... is virtually ZERO 

Which is why almost every golfer has heard about shallowing... 

But only about 3 in 100 actually ever are able to make it work. 

See, in my experience giving thousands of hours of instruction to amateurs ā€” in person and on video... 

The ONLY approach to shallowing that works is making a single move with your swing. 

This single move must not only feel natural... 

It must automatically integrate the different elements of shallowing.

So that you consistently get your swing below or ā€œinsideā€ the shallowing line... 

And Square Your Clubface At Contact... In A Way Thatā€™s EASY And AUTOMATIC

Thatā€™s what the Shallow-to-Square Sequence does for you. 

Now, let me walk you through how it works.

First, hereā€™s how we find your shallowing line. 

Even though itā€™s a little unique to each golfer, based on height, arm length, and natural body position. 

Itā€™s actually EASY to do...

You just start by drawing a line from the golf ball up through the center of the right elbow at addressā€¦

The "shallowing line" goes from the ball up through the center of the right elbow.

See That Line? That's Your Shallowing Line... 

In your downswing, you want your clubhead to be INSIDE that line, not outside... 

When you do that, you not only shallow the club... 

You automatically make better contact... 

Stop slicing... And hit the ball consistently farther. 

Look at my student Paulā€¦

Paul went from steep on the left... to dropping it in the slot on the right.

To understand where he is... 

We simply measure where Paulā€™s club head is about halfway into the downswing. 

That determines his shallowing line. 

In the image on the left, heā€™s outside the shallowing line... or ā€œsteep.ā€ 

Thatā€™s going to make him stand up out of his posture. 

And sort of flip the club head to save the shot. 

That Will Cause A Lack Of Club Face Control ā€” And Round-Killing Inconsistency 

Now on the right, itā€™s a different story... 

Paulā€™s gotten that club head INSIDE the shallowing line.

Which means heā€™s shallowed it out... 

Or ā€œdropped into the slotā€.

Now he just stays in his natural posture... 

And delivers that club from the inside for those awesome baby draws.

Hereā€™s Another Example From My Student Tom... 

Tom went from coming way over the top, to swinging nicely from the inside.

In the ā€œbeforeā€ shot, heā€™s coming right over the top of it. 

And it doesnā€™t take a Trackman to see... heā€™s staring an ugly slice right in the face.

But look at how much shallower he is in that ā€œafterā€ pic.

And that means Tomā€™s in a great position to drop his clubhead into the slot

Making incredibly solid contact ā€” with his hands ahead of the ball ā€” at impact. 

And One Last Great Example Is Suzieā€¦

Suzie went from manipulating the club due to a steep downswing... to a shallow, naturally squaring clubface.

In that ā€œbeforeā€ swing, Suzie is way outside the shallowing line. 

That means she must manipulate the club to try and square it at impact... 

The thing is... unless you have pro-level hand-eye coordination... 

Expecting to make super tiny PERFECT adjustments to the clubface at impact... 

Is a recipe for mishitting the ball, over and over. 

But once you get inside the shallowing line like she is on the right... 

The club face just does what itā€™s supposed to do, naturally squaring at impact... 

For perfectly flush contact ā€” virtually every single time. 

And Thatā€™s The Power Of The Shallow-to-Square Sequence... 

It helps you swing in a way that works WITH and not AGAINST the forces in the swing. 

And when you swing steeply, you fight against those forces. 

On the other handā€¦ 

When you shallow it out with this sequence, you work in harmony WITH the forces.

That means you are more consistent. 

The club face automatically wants to square up for you. 

And you gain effortless power, too. 

Hereā€™s How The Shallow-to-Square Sequence Works:

You simply take a bucket of balls out to the range... 

And following my exact instructions... 

Practice a simple sequence that passes your swing through three natural ā€œcheckpointsā€... 

The first gets your swing into what I call ā€œthe Natural Wrist Positionā€.

This fixes all the bad advice youā€™ve ever gotten about what to do with your wrists...

Getting you into the optimal wrist position to come inside the shallowing line...

And make perfectly flush contact. 

If youā€™ve ever felt like your wrists are uncomfortable during your setup or backswing...

First: You'll discover your Natural Wrist Position

This Will Fix That Immediately, Making Your Entire Motion Feel More Relaxed And Natural

But thereā€™s an even bigger reason the Shallow-to-Square Sequence addresses your wrist position FIRST... 

Because it really helps you SQUARE the clubface ā€” effortlessly. 

Plus, it practically forces your hands ahead of the ball at the same time.

This one step will have you hitting some of the most solid shots of your life. 

Just like it did for John from South Carolinaā€¦

Oh, and if youā€™ve ever struggled with a slice or weak shots to the rightā€¦

Get Ready To Draw The Ball ā€” On Command ā€” Just Like Tom In Honoluluā€¦

ā€œIā€™m a natural fader of the ball and, until now, never was able to consistently draw itā€¦ Congrats!! You helped me do something that was very UN-intuitive and Iā€™m looking forward to working the ball now.ā€

Tom | Honolulu

Once youā€™ve solved the ā€œclubface at impactā€ issue... 

The sequence gets you into the Natural Elbow Position... 

I say GETS YOU into position... very intentionally. 

Because you donā€™t even have to think about it. 

The sequence does this FOR YOU. 

Rather than trying to tuck your elbow on its own... 

Which conventional advice on shallowing will tell you to do.

And is virtually impossible when youā€™re juggling at least half a dozen other swing thoughts. 

Second: You'll uncover your Natural Elbow Position

This Is Absolutely Effortless And Automatic 

Thatā€™s because getting your wrist into a correct and natural position triggers a positive chain reaction.

This gives your body NO CHOICE but to move your elbow inside... 

As you swing under the shallowing line... 

Plus, I give you some additional ways to strengthen this position in your swing. 

So that it feels even more natural and continues to happen on its own.  

By performing this part of the sequence... 

Youā€™ll really start to feel like you KNOW where the clubface is at all times. 

That gives you a surge of confidence...

Especially As You Reach The Third And Final Checkpoint: Dropping Into The Slot

Every golfer knows that ā€œhell yahā€ feeling of the club swinging on the right plane... 

Lastly: You'll naturally end up in the "hell yah" position to crush your shots right at your target!

Coming through the inside in a fast-yet-controlled way... 

Squaring the clubface at impact... 

And making pure, centerface contact... 

As you crush the ball perfectly ON TARGET.

Thatā€™s exactly what happens as you perform this sequence... 

Passing through the natural wrist and elbow positions... 

Swinging inside the shallowing line AND dropping in the slot... 

Which previously might have been a lucky accident for you a few times a round... 

Is now easy and repeatable. 

And like I said before... 

When You Can Consistently Shallow The Club... EVERYTHING Changes

Because thereā€™s literally no part of your game ā€” other than putting... 

That doesnā€™t benefit massively from shallowing. 

Whether itā€™s with your driver... approach shots with your hybrids or fairway woods... 

Irons... or even your pitching wedge... 

Being able to shallow the club is THE #1 thing needed for flush contact... 

Consistent ball flight... 

And lower scores. 

Just Look At The Difference Itā€™s Made For These Golfers:

Incredible, right? 

And the same will be true for you. 

Thatā€™s why Iā€™m thrilled to introduce you to a breakthrough system for installing this same shallowing action... 

Directly into your swing... 

After hitting just ONE bucket of balls on the range. 

Itā€™s Called The 20 Minute Shallowing Fix... 

And itā€™s a step-by-step video training based entirely on my Shallow-to-Square Sequenceā€¦

The 20 Minute Shallowing Fix is designed to make shallowing the club EASY... FAST... and AUTOMATIC. 

So you eliminate mishits, including slices... fat shots ... or thin shots... 

And make consistently flush contact... 

As you transform your consistency and shoot the lowest scores of your life. 

Just Like It Did For Jeremy From Ohioā€¦

The first thing you get is a series of step-by-step videos focused on helping you master the Shallow-to-Square Sequence. 

This includes simple drills that pass you through each checkpoint in the sequence... 

Starting with getting your wrist position dialed in... 

So that you naturally tuck your elbow in and swing from the inside... 

And Drop The Club INSIDE The Shallowing Line And Into The Slot... 

Just like Nick Oldfield did... 

In just a single bucket of balls... 

Youā€™ll swing in a way that automatically delivers the clubhead inside the shallowing line... 

Flushing the sweet spot, as the ball explodes off the clubface.. 

Whether itā€™s with your driver... 

Your favorite fairway wood... 

7-iron ā€” or even pitching wedge... 

Youā€™ll suddenly KNOW where the clubface is at all times in your swing... 

As You Pure Each And Every Shot ā€” On Command 

This is the ultimate secret for shooting lower scores... 

And enjoying this great game a WHOLE lot more. 

Just ask Robert Fiedler from North Carolina:

ā€œI am 67. I am a 5 handicap from the old man's tees at my home course, and I typically hit a fade or slice. I tend to stand and hit weak shots. My best two rounds ever were both 74. I completed your shallowing of the club instructions on our driving rangeā€¦ I played my first round since doing these drills. I hit the ball way more solidā€¦ I hit the ball further, straighter and some with a draw which I have never been able to do. I had seven birdies, three bogies and shot a [personal best] 68.ā€

Robert Fiedler | 67 | North Carolina

And Hereā€™s What Robert Whitener Had To Say:

Now, if the core video training inside the 20 Minute Shallowing Fix were the only thing I gave you today... 

Youā€™d already be way ahead of any player in your group or club. 

But Iā€™m committed to making this process EASY and REPEATABLE for you. 

So that you never, ever struggle with an over-the-top swing... poor contact... or out-of-control ball flight... EVER again. 

Thatā€™s Why Iā€™m Also Including The ā€œ60 Seconds To Shallowingā€ Quick Reference Videos For You As Well

These are essentially ā€œquickstart videosā€ that summarize the full training. 

So you can quickly focus on the few steps required to perform the Shallow-to-Square Sequence on your own. 

These save you time when you donā€™t have any to spare. 

For instance, when youā€™re in your car or the locker room just before a round... 

In the middle of your range session...

Or even sneaking off to the restroom between holesā€¦ 

Simply Pull Out Your Phone, Click The Play Button, And In 1 Short Minute... 

You can pull up the perfect drill summary video. 

Do this... and youā€™ll be brought back to the exact steps ā€“ and ā€œfeelsā€ ā€“ you need for shallowing the club on command. 

Now, one of the things Iā€™ve learned in delivering over 22,000 hours of instruction online and in person...

Is that not everyone learns the same. 

Some players are highly visual... but others are more auditory. 

Thatā€™s Why I Also Include Something Called ā€œCoach Clay In Your Earā€ 

This is a series of audio recordings that play like Iā€™m right there with you. 

This is something you can listen to while you practice the sequence... 

Or even at home, in the car, or anywhere you want... 

To keep you in the best frame of mind to master the Shallow-to-Square Sequence. 

Itā€™s sort of like having a top caddie whispering in your ear on the course. 

Maybe heā€™s reminding you of a hyper-technical piece of your swing. 

Or perhaps pointing out where you stand versus your opponents in the round. 

But most of the time, heā€™s gently reinforcing some positives that just happened. 

This Is Exactly What You Need To Play Your Best Golf, Every Round... 

Because when your attention's focused on the most important thing...

You confidently know whatever you need to do NEXT.  

These audios also act like a really supportive, good coach in your ear. 

As you probably know, this is critical in moments where you're doubting yourselfā€¦

With ā€œCoach Clay in Your Earā€ ā€” youā€™ll have a voice you trust, and who's supportive of you... 

Helping you focus on the next important thing. 

The next thing you get within the 20 Minute Shallowing Fix... 

Your ā€œPerfect Practice Plan Workbookā€ 

This is a printable PDF workbook which shows you the EXACT drills within the Shallow-to-Square Sequence... 

Including key notes and insights... 

Plus, an easy way to track your progress and ultimate success. 

This way you always keep progressing. 

Because you know exactly what youā€™ve completed... 

What is improving in your swing... 

And where to focus next. 

When you show up to the golf course...

Simply set down your bag, loosen up a little, and pull out your Workbook. 

Youā€™ll Immediately Have Your Perfect Practice Plan For The Session

No need ā€œfigure it all out on your ownā€ every time you hit the range.

Youā€™ll see what thousands of other players just like you have seen... 

With the Shallow-to-Square Sequence... 

It only takes a bucket of balls... 

To forever end your over-the-top swing... 

Eliminate mishits, including a slice... 

Getting your club INSIDE the shallowing line and into the slot... 

For the most consistently flush contact of your life. 

Now, I could just give you the 20 Minute Shallowing Fix today... and youā€™d have everything you need to transform your contact, consistency, and overall game. 

But because Iā€™m 100% committed to ā€œcoming in steepā€ NEVER being a problem for you again. 

Iā€™m also including a unique series of bonuses not available anywhere else.

The First Is Called ā€œHow To Dominate With A Drawā€

This video training is designed to maximize your new ā€œsuperpowerā€ of moving the ball from right to left at will. 

All thanks to the Shallow-to-Square Sequence. 

So when you step up to that long dogleg-left par 4 youā€™ve always dreaded... 

You stand over the ball with the ability to play it aggressively. 

Because, for the first time in your life, you have the knowledge of exactly how to attack it. 

Plus, you know precisely where to aim when staring down a pin. 

Whether itā€™s in the right, center, or left of the green. 

Just Look At How This Training Worked For Tony From Oklahomaā€¦

ā€œIT CLICKED. I practiced that with all clubs in my bag. OMG! Super high baby draws across the bag. THANK YOU.ā€

Tony | Oklahoma

And for Edward from New Yorkā€¦

And with this bonus, you fully take advantage of the scoring opportunities now available to you. 

Plus, since your shots now regularly explode off the club face... 

Youā€™re going to need help dialing in your new distances with your irons. 

Thankfully, I give you a simple way to USE the Shallow-to-Square Sequence to do that, too. 

But Iā€™m not done yet...

Because you get one more bonus when you grab your copy of the 20 Minute Shallowing Fix today. 

Itā€™s Called ā€œThe Shallowing Sessionsā€... 

And itā€™s based on behind-the-scenes videos of my coaching lessons with real students. 

Students just like you... 

Who are effortlessly using the Shallow-to-Square Sequence to eliminate the poor contact and inconsistency that comes from swinging over the top... 

And finally make consistently solid contact ā€” with every club in their bag. 

With this bonus, you hear the nuances of the instruction that only come through in a real, back-and-forth situation. 

Sit back and enjoy as another student gets led through the exact same drills youā€™re doing. 

It feels like Iā€™m talking directly to you...

Like Youā€™re Right Here With Me Interacting During An In-Person Lesson

Because itā€™s one thing to watch me demonstrate the drills in the Shallow-to-Square Sequence... 

Which is powerful and game-changing in its own right... 

But itā€™s ANOTHER thing to SEE actual students suddenly swinging inside the shallowing line... 

And crushing each shot ā€” with better contact and greater accuracy ā€” then they ever have before. 

Thatā€™s what happened to Stephen from California ā€” who said:

These Recorded Lessons Are The Closest Thing To Spending Thousands Of Dollars To Be Coached By Me In Person... 

And yet you wonā€™t pay a single penny for them. 

Because theyā€™re included FREE as part of the 20 Minute Shallowing Fix

Just look at what the 20 Minute Shallowing Fix is doing for Perry from Floridaā€¦

ā€œClay, I put your video into action yesterday and am still smiling! I was doing all the wrong things you discussed and this video made everything easier. Especially the front hip and forward shaft leanā€¦ I've been struggling getting my game correct after 52 years of my homemade swing and this video gave me a straightforward and effective way to get straightened out and simplify the fundamentals to get me back on track. I hit the best 7 irons I've hit in the past 25 years. Thanks and keep up the great work.ā€


And for Jeremiah from North Carolinaā€¦

And for Paul Cook from the UKā€¦

And thatā€™s only the tip of the iceberg. 

It doesnā€™t matter who you are, where you play... or even what your handicap is. This system works. 


Here's Everything You're Getting When You Access the 20 Minute Shallowing Fix Today

Including 3 FREE Bonuses Worth $194 PLUS Our No-Risk, 365-Day, "Solid Strike" 100% Money-Back Guarantee

20 Minute Shallowing Fix Video Training

This is a step-by-step video training based entirely on my Shallow-to-Square Sequence. Itā€™s designed to make shallowing the club EASY... FAST... and AUTOMATIC. So you eliminate mishits, including slices... fat shots ... or thin shots... and make consistently flush contact. Get ready to transform your consistency and shoot the lowest scores of your life.

PRICE: $200.00 $49

60 Seconds to Shallowing

These are essentially ā€œquickstart videosā€ that summarize the full training. So you can quickly focus on the few steps required to perform the Shallow-to-Square Sequence on your own. These save you time when you donā€™t have any to spare. 


Coach Clay in Your Ear

This is a series of audio recordings that play like Iā€™m right there with you. Listen to while you practice the sequence, or even at home, in the car, or anywhere you want. To keep you in the best frame of mind to master the Shallow-to-Square Sequence. Itā€™s the closest thing to having a top caddie whispering in your ear on the course, helping you pick the perfect shot ā€” every time. 


Perfect Practice Plan Workbook

This is a printable PDF workbook which shows you the EXACT drills within the Shallow-to-Square Sequence, including key notes and insights. Plus, an easy way to track your progress and ultimate success. This way you always keep progressing. 


The How to Dominate With a Draw Bonus

This video training is designed to maximize your new ā€œsuperpowerā€ of moving the ball from right to left at will.
All thanks to the Shallow-to-Square Sequence. So when you step up to that long dogleg-left par 4 youā€™ve always dreaded. You stand over the ball with the ability to play it aggressively. 


The Shallowing Sessions Bonus

And itā€™s based on behind-the-scenes videos of my coaching lessons with real students. Students who are effortlessly using the shallow-to-square sequence to eliminate the poor contact and inconsistency that comes from swinging over the top. And finally make consistently solid contact ā€” with every club in their bag. 


Total Value: $394

your price: Only $49

(Save $345 today with this special limited-time offer)

Backed By Our 365-Day, "Solid Strike"
100% Money-Back Guarantee & Unconditional Refund Policy

The 20 Minute Shallowing Fix Is The ONLY Way To Instantly Go From A Steep Over-The-Top Swing... 

To consistently dropping in the slot... 

And playing your best golf ever. 

So letā€™s quickly summarize everything youā€™re getting today... 

You get the 20 Minute Shallowing Fix Video Series ā€” which walks you through the simple Shallow-to-Square Sequence... 

So you NEVER struggle with coming in steep again... 

Eliminate your biggest misses... 

And Make Consistently Flush Contact ā€” With Every Club In Your Bag

  • You get 60 Seconds to Shallowing... the quickstart series youā€™ll use to hit the ground running and dial in this sequence, in a matter of minutes...
  • You get ā€œCoach Clay in Your Earā€... an audio program that helps embed the entire sequence into your unconscious, automatic mind...While also supporting you with words and thoughts that keep you confidently focused on the right things for your game...
  • And you get the Perfect Practice Plan Workbook ā€” to track and accelerate your transformation with the sequence and 20 Minute Shallowing Fix overall...

Plus, You Get Two Exclusive Bonuses: 

BONUS #1: How to Dominate With a Draw ā€” which deepens your ability to take advantage of your newfound ability to draw the ball on command... 

Including dialing in your distances from almost anywhere on the course. And... 

BONUS #2: The Shallowing Sessions ā€” my live recorded lessons with players, walking them through the sequence... 

So you SEE exactly how to perform this simple method for getting inside the shallowing line... 

And fixing ANY issues with your contact and ball flight... 

All with just a single bucket of balls. 

Normally, the 20 Minute Shallowing Fix retails for $200 on our main website. 

And then each of the bonuses ā€” How to Dominate With a Draw and The Shallowing Sessions ā€” would sell for $97 each on their own. 

That gives you a total value of $394 today... 

Which Would Be A Steal, If You Think About It... 

Because if all the 20 Minute Shallowing Fix did for you was eliminate your round-killing misses... 

Get you swinging from the inside... for the most consistently flush contact of your life. 

Well, it would be worth every penny. And up until now... 

This instruction was only available to the few golfers I have time to give lessons to each yearā€¦ 

At a price tag of $1500 per hour.  

And even that would be a one-shot deal. 

With no ongoing access to all the information youā€™re now getting 24/7 access to.

Even Then, When You Consider That Many Players Spend Hundreds Of Precious Hours... 

And thousands of dollars on lessons... training aids... tips, techniques, and programs that NEVER successfully get them shallowing the club... 

Then I think even $1500 would be worth it. 

That said, you wonā€™t have to pay $1500... 

In fact, the 20 Minute Shallowing Fix, it isnā€™t even going to cost you $394 dollars. 

Itā€™s not even going to cost you the $200 the main course retails for... 

Because When You Grab Your Copy Of The 20 Minute Shallowing Fix, TODAY... 

You get access to everything: 

  • The 20 Minute Shallowing Fix Video Series...
  • 60 Seconds to Shallowing...
  • Coach Clay in Your Ear...  
  • The Perfect Practice Plan Workbook
  • The How to Dominate With a Draw Bonus
  • And The Shallowing Sessions Bonus

A total value of $394ā€¦ 

For just one payment of $49. 

Thatā€™s Over 80% Off The Regular Price ā€” And A Savings Of Over $340! 

Now, if youā€™re wondering why Iā€™m giving you this really, really inexpensivelyā€¦ 

Itā€™s because you're going to get results. And you're gonna get results fast. 

It's going to fix the biggest complaints you have with your swing. 

And after that, Iā€™m confident youā€™ll be so grateful for the change Iā€™ve made in your game...

Youā€™re going to want to get more from me. 

Plus hereā€™s the thingā€¦

You donā€™t even have to say yes today. 

All You Have To Say Is ā€œMaybeā€ ā€“ And Thatā€™s Because You Can Put The Entire 20 Minute Shallowing Fix To The Test, Risk-Free

When you sign up today, your entire investment is backed by a 365-day, 100% money-back guarantee. 

Youā€™re either head over heels excited by your results...

Or youā€™ll get 100% of your investment back and youā€™ll KEEP the product. 

No questions asked. 

In fact, Iā€™m so confident youā€™ll love it, that Iā€™ll take it one step further with myā€¦

ā€œSolid Strikeā€ Guarantee

Go through the entire 20 Minute Shallowing Fix course... 

Complete all the practice sessions... 

Document your progress with the included workbookā€¦ 

You either hit the most solid shots of your lifeā€¦

Or simply email me your completed workbook... 

To get every penny back... PLUS Iā€™ll even PayPal you an extra fifty bucks!

So go aheadā€¦  

Grab Your Copy Of The 20 Minute Shallowing Fix Right Now

You either shallow the club on every swing using the Shallow-to-Square Sequence... 

And hit the most solid shots of your life during your next roundā€¦ 

Or it costs you nothing.

Just so you know... not ONE person out of 50,000+ has ever redeemed the Solid Strike Guarantee. 

Bottom line: 

Thereā€™s definitely no need for you to continue swinging steeply...

And no need to search endlessly through contradictory shallowing tips on YouTube or magazines... 

Tips that force you into an unnatural swing change that takes forever to ingrain.

You Can Change All Of That Today With The 20 Minute Shallowing Fix

And you can do it ALL in the time it takes to hit a single bucket of balls. 

So what are you waiting for?

Go aheadā€¦ 

Click the button below. 

Get instant access to the 20 Minute Shallowing Fix right now. 

Just keep in mind that Iā€™m only making this offer available for a short time.

And it wouldnā€™t be fair to make this available indefinitely.  

Iā€™m making an exception for you ā€” right here, right now... 

Because I donā€™t want you wasting even one more day struggling with awkward, uncomfortable swing changes. 

I Want You To Forever Eliminate Your Over The Top Swing...

  • Say goodbye to your slice...  
  • Fix your poor contact... 
  • And begin puring the ball, over and over...
  • With every club ā€” on virtually every shot... 

All by using my simple Shallow-to-Square Sequence. 

Donā€™t wait... the best golfers didnā€™t get there by procrastinating. 

I can only guarantee that the 20 Minute Shallowing Fix, all the bonuses, and the 80% discount are available for a limited time. 

I may be taking this down or significantly changing what you get at any point after that.

If you want it, now is the time to act.

Go aheadā€¦ click the button below now.

As A Final Note, Keep In Mind What 70-Year-Old Tom In Hawaii Wrote To Tell Me... 

"I played a round yesterday and hit some of the best drives that I haven't hit in years! This approach has been worth the price of admission andā€¦ has resulted in a nice breakthrough to create a controlled draw that has legs.

I'm now 70 yrs of age and am wowing others in my group who are now increasingly struggling with age related limitations. I'm carrying 200 yds and, with some runout, getting a 250 total distance given my now limited swing speed. That's plenty good at this point. In addition, I am now getting some nice flight on my longer irons that I've all but thrown away."

Tom | Hawaii

Better contact... improved length and accuracy... more consistent ball flight... 

Those are just a FEW of the countless benefits that come from shallowing the club...

Which is what youā€™ll do ā€” the very first time you perform my Shallow-to-Square Sequence. 

So, if youā€™re ready to transform your contact... ball flight... and consistency...

And ā€œwowā€ others in your group, too... 

Then click the button below now to get the 20 Minute Shallowing Fix.


Here's Everything You're Getting When You Access the 20 Minute Shallowing Fix Today

Including 3 FREE Bonuses Worth $194 PLUS Our No-Risk, 365-Day, "Solid Strike" 100% Money-Back Guarantee

20 Minute Shallowing Fix Video Training

This is a step-by-step video training based entirely on my Shallow-to-Square Sequence. Itā€™s designed to make shallowing the club EASY... FAST... and AUTOMATIC. So you eliminate mishits, including slices... fat shots ... or thin shots... and make consistently flush contact. Get ready to transform your consistency and shoot the lowest scores of your life.

PRICE: $200.00 $49

60 Seconds to Shallowing

These are essentially ā€œquickstart videosā€ that summarize the full training. So you can quickly focus on the few steps required to perform the Shallow-to-Square Sequence on your own. These save you time when you donā€™t have any to spare. 


Coach Clay in Your Ear

This is a series of audio recordings that play like Iā€™m right there with you. Listen to while you practice the sequence, or even at home, in the car, or anywhere you want. To keep you in the best frame of mind to master the Shallow-to-Square Sequence. Itā€™s the closest thing to having a top caddie whispering in your ear on the course, helping you pick the perfect shot ā€” every time. 


Perfect Practice Plan Workbook

This is a printable PDF workbook which shows you the EXACT drills within the Shallow-to-Square Sequence, including key notes and insights. Plus, an easy way to track your progress and ultimate success. This way you always keep progressing. 


The How to Dominate With a Draw Bonus

This video training is designed to maximize your new ā€œsuperpowerā€ of moving the ball from right to left at will.
All thanks to the Shallow-to-Square Sequence. So when you step up to that long dogleg-left par 4 youā€™ve always dreaded. You stand over the ball with the ability to play it aggressively. 


The Shallowing Sessions Bonus

And itā€™s based on behind-the-scenes videos of my coaching lessons with real students. Students who are effortlessly using the shallow-to-square sequence to eliminate the poor contact and inconsistency that comes from swinging over the top. And finally make consistently solid contact ā€” with every club in their bag. 


Total Value: $394

your price: Only $49

(Save $345 today with this special limited-time offer)

Backed By Our 365-Day, "Solid Strike"
100% Money-Back Guarantee & Unconditional Refund Policy

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