Now, Getting Up-and-Down Is as Simple as Using Your Putting Stroke
Watch the video below to see the straight-back, straight-through solution to fat & thin chip shots… and all those wasted strokes.

"It totally blows my mind how easy it is to use.”
Rick Dake, 18 handicap
I’m almost afraid to ask, but here goes: How’s your chipping?
On a scale of 1 – 10:
If you answered 8+, you’re free to go. Shoot, you may want to give the Tour a try.
If you rated your chipping in the 5 – 7 range, I advise you to stick around. What I’m about to show you could provide the consistency you crave – and push your short game to the next level.
Which leaves those in the 3 – 4 and, gasp, 0 – 2 groups.
You’re not asking for much, are you? You’d love to have the faintest clue around the greens. A smidgen of comfort and an ounce of confidence standing over the ball.
Well, I’ve got good news: You’ve come to the right place.
In fact, you’re gonna walk out of here with a lot more than the modest items on your wish list. For starters, you’ll be able to chip it stiff from anywhere. You’ll also be free from card-wrecking “two-chips” and other greenside blunders. And instead of fretting all the things that might go wrong, you’ll size up every pitch thinking, “I can hole this.”
That’s a far cry from where you are now, right?
If it makes you feel any better, you’ve got lots of company. Amateur golfers from here to Timbuktu struggle with this seemingly simple part of the game. Frankly, it’s always been a mystery to me.
I mean, if anything in golf should be easy, it’s chipping.
The setup is a cinch. You’re using a short club, usually one with lots of friendly loft. And for crying out loud, the pin is right there. Just get it close enough for a makeable putt and you’re a happy camper.
Yet for whatever reason, chipping proves maddeningly difficult to a huge swath of golfers.
I’ve met many experienced players who say their handicap is an 8, but their “short game handicap” is an 18.
You’ll meet some of them, too, in just a minute (and find out how they beat their lifelong chipping woes with one little change).
OK, so we’ve established that your chipping is less than stellar. If I asked why, I bet you’d answer…
Trust me, I’ve seen it all.
Some fellows in the equipment business had, too. I’m not talking about some back-office bean counters here. These guys are…
Top-tier club designers – Golf Digest “Hot List” medal winners, as a matter of fact.
And they were just as baffled as you and me.
Being hyper-curious, solution-driven engineers, they began exploring. Then one of them noticed the similarities between a proper chipping swing and a pendulum putting stroke and asked the others:
When’s the last time you chunked a putt?
His cohorts’ “you-must-be-joking” stares supplied the answers: “Never, never, never, never and never.” Which led to an obvious follow-up: Since there’s very little difference between the two motions…
Why do you miss-hit so many chips while striking your putts so solidly?
The answer came quickly: Because the putter is purpose-built to match the putting stroke, while the clubs used for chipping are made for other tasks – like full shots, high lobs and blasting out of bunkers.
Makes sense, doesn’t it?
Think about your putter: It’s comfortably short, with an upright lie angle that puts you almost directly over the ball and promotes a straight-back, straight-through stroke. There’s minimal arc on the takeaway or follow-through, and the clubhead barely leaves the ground.
Less movement equals more control.

Traditional Wedge vs. the all-new Square Strike Wedge. With the Square Strike Wedge, there's minimal arc on the takeaway or follow-through, and the clubhead barely leaves the ground, giving you more control and consistent contact.
It’s also balanced for minimal face rotation, so there’s no dramatic opening and closing of the blade, while the head is weighted to engage the big muscles (arms and shoulders) and impede the small ones (hands and wrists).
Bottom line – the putter is a perfect match for the putting stroke.
Now contrast that with your chipping clubs, the wedges and short irons.
They’re a little longer and lie substantially flatter than the putter, moving you farther from the ball. That forces you to swing on more of an arc, while the relatively light clubhead invites excessive wrist action.
Together, these factors increase the odds of something going wrong.
And when it does, your club’s slender sole and sharp leading edge won’t do a thing to help. Hit behind the ball and the club will dig; catch a fluffy lie and it will snag.
Consider this, too: You putt with the same club, from the same lie, using the same stroke every time, eliminating the variables that make chipping so tricky (and your confidence so shaky).
Once the design team had accounted for all these factors:
Their mission became crystal-clear…
To craft an all-purpose chipping and pitching club. One that…
And the kicker: It will work with a golfer’s regular putting grip and stroke – straight back, straight through. Some would call such a mission impossible.
Not this bunch.
It’s my pleasure to pronounce their mission accomplished.
The Square Strike Wedge

The Club that Makes Chipping as Easy as Straight Back, Straight Through & Straight at the Pin

Chipping, easy?
Yep, easy. Like Sunday morning.
All it took was a club specifically engineered for the purpose of chipping. (As a bonus, it’s also lethal on short pitches and even works for longer bunker shots.)
In a moment, we’ll dive into the Square Strike Wedge’s many unique elements. I’ll explain how each feature functions and answer common questions about this amazing new weapon.
But the one thing you really need to know is this:
The Square Strike Wedge Will Greatly Improve Your Short Game – and Do It Almost Instantly
Karleen Wooster can confirm. Tony Sodoro can, too.
So can Boy Brainerd, Marcus Boray and the other amateur golfers who got to try the Square Strike Wedge before we deemed it ready for market.
Their stories, stats and seeing-is-believing testimony are coming up. I’ll share their handicaps as well, just to show you this remarkable club can improve anyone’s game.
First, let’s dig into those details.

The Square Strike Wedge promotes less rotation and a simple straight back and through motion.

The Square Strike Wedge is engineered like a putter with upright lie angle, plus heavier weight. Versus a traditional, thin-faced wedge.
The Square Strike Wedge’s performance-boosting specs:
Now for the Square Strike Wedge’s special features.

Anti-Chunk Sole
Extra-wide and gently curved from back to front and heel to toe, the SSW’s sole glides along the turf with silky smoothness. Hit behind the ball and the clubhead will keep right on moving to assure crisp, clean contact – eliminating the ugly fat shots your traditional short irons produce.
The Anti-Chunk Sole also features a series of shallow grooves to reduce friction in sticky or matted grass.

No-Dig Leading Edge
Unlike the sharp edge of a pitching wedge or short iron, the Square Strike’s beveled (angled) leading edge prevents the club from digging. Pair the No-Dig Leading Edge with the Anti-Chunk Sole and, as tester Tony Sodoro said, “You cannot hit this club fat. I tried.”

Anti-Rotational Weighting
The Square Strike’s design team moved weight from the heel area to the toe to prevent excess clubhead opening and closing going back and through. Paired with the SSW’s putter-like length and lie angle, the anti-rotational weighting makes it incredibly easy to swing with a pendulum motion.
Put another way: The blade is engineered to stay square to the target line, so wrist cock and good timing are no longer needed to hit a solid shot.

Precisely Centered COG & High MOI
By moving mass to the toe, the designers achieved two more key enhancements. The Square Strike’s COG (center of gravity) is located precisely in the center of the clubface – and marked by a vertical line – while its MOI (moment of inertia) is higher than a typical wedge.
Result: The SSW delivers deadly accuracy on pure contact, and exceptional forgiveness on miss-hits. Test golfers hit shot after shot directly in line with the target.

Square Path Graphics
The SSW’s low-profile clubface lacks the extreme curvature of a standard wedge, so it sets up dead-square to the target. To further aid alignment, the designers added vertical lines which frame the ball and guide the eyes to swing straight back, straight through.
Put it all together and the Square Strike is no mere wedge. It’s a score-slashing weapon.
When I first tried the SSW, I was impressed with its ease of use and efficiency on basic chip shots. Not only is the stroke simpler than a normal chipping swing, it’s actually shorter – which means even fewer things can go wrong.
What really surprised me, though, was its versatility. The Square Strike Wedge is far from a one-trick pony.
Here’s a sampling of the shots you can play with The Square Strike Wedge:
Yep, this technical marvel is an all-purpose problem-solver.
But the true genius of the Square Strike Wedge lies in its feel. It’s balanced, smooth, solid… and comfortable.
Now there’s a word you don’t hear every day.
At least, not on the golf course. Yet most of our testers used it to describe chipping with the Square Strike Wedge. As in, “It felt very comfortable in my hands,” per 16 handicapper Marcus Boray.
(And man, did it show. Using the SSW, Marcus hit five consecutive 100-foot shots within 8 feet of the flag – compared to just one with his own wedge. To prove it was no fluke, Marcus moved to our 45-foot chipping station and, with the Square Strike Wedge, holed his very first try.)
They used other adjectives, too.
“Easy”… Now there’s a word you never hear on the course
Yet our test golfers said it time and time again while using the Square Strike Wedge.

Set Up & Swing It Like Your Putter. If you can putt, you can save strokes fast with the all-new Square Strike Wedge.
We conducted the study on two separate days with two groups of golfers (20 in all). Their handicaps ranged from 5 to 20, with half the golfers at 16 or higher. Many of them – including several of the better players – rated the short game as their #1 bugaboo.
The experiment was straightforward. We set up a series of chip shots of varying distances and slope, played from fairway-height turf and light rough.
Each player started with the club he or she used most often for chipping, then switched to the Square Strike Wedge. For example, 14 handicapper Karleen Wooster used her gap wedge.
It didn’t go well.
“Oops,” she chuckled after blading her first try over the green.
“Oh, don’t count that one,” she pleaded after skulling another, followed by another ugly chip and a mildly disgusted, “Ugh.”
With her own wedge, Karleen’s eight attempts at four chipping stations finished a total distance of 297 feet away, or about 37 feet per chip – prime three-putt territory. Like I said, it didn’t go well.
Then we handed Karleen the Square Strike Wedge and gave her a brief tutorial on swinging it like a putter.
Karleen took to it like a duck to water.
One chip after another tracked the flag…
…with 6 of 8 finishing inside 10 feet. Karleen’s average distance with the Square Strike Wedge: 9’4”, or 27 feet closer than with her own club.
Now that’s how you slash your scores.
As a 7 handicap, Tony Sodoro doesn’t have a lot of strokes to cut. And it’s not like his short game has been holding him back. Tony’s eight tries with his own wedge stopped an average of 13 feet away.
Not bad. But not nearly as good as his average with the Square Strike – a mere 6’6” from the pin.
Our very first tester, Boy Brainerd, set the tone for the day. The 14 handicapper showed off his solid chipping technique by knocking 4 of 8 within 8 feet using his own wedge. He beat that mark with the Square Strike, going 6 for 8 and averaging 5’6” closer.
Needless to say, Mr. Brainerd was sold.
“For me, the Square Strike wedge was the ultimate if you want to get it close to the pin, or in,” he said.

Straight Back & Straight Through Eliminates Chunked Chip. Hitting solid, square shots straight down your target line is effortless and easy.
“It's just way better than using a pitching wedge or a sand wedge.”
For Juanita Rosenfeld, a solid 6.6 handicapper with a so-so short game, the Square Strike made “the nervies” vanish.
“My own club, oh boy, I can chunk that without being asked,” she said. “But this one, I can feel when I hold it, that's not going to happen. And that's a really good feeling.”
Bob Norquist is a 17 today, but he was once good enough to compete against the likes of Arnold Palmer and Cary Middlecoff in the PGA Tour’s Western Open. After trying the Square Strike Wedge, Bob professed no qualms about putting it in his bag.
“It allows you to be more confident in this one club,” he said, “because it's so versatile and can do what other, maybe three or four clubs, would do for you.”
“It's just way better than using a pitching wedge or a sand wedge.”
And when I tell you we practically had to yank it from a few golfers’ hands, I’m only half-kidding.
Here’s a sampling of what they had to say at day’s end:

“With my wedge, you have to kind of manipulate it to make the shot. With the Square Strike, you just putt. That's all. For me, the Square Strike wedge was the ultimate if you want to get it close to the pin, or in. It's just way better than using a pitching wedge, a sand wedge. This is the club. This is what you need.”
Boy Brainerd | 14 handicap

“With my wedge I usually either chunk it or I top it and it goes flying across the green. I'm very inconsistent on my short game with my wedges, and sometimes it's hard for me to decide, ‘Am I going to use my pitching wedge? My sand wedge?’ For me, the Square Strike is going to be the name of the game. It's going to improve my game immensely.”
Gwen Scaman | 20 handicap

“You cannot hit this club fat. You will never chunk a ball and that's important, especially for the middle handicaps and the higher handicaps. So I think it's a game improvement club, but even for a 7 handicap. This Square Strike Wedge is going to go in my bag, for sure.”
Tony Sodoro | 7 handicap

“I didn't have to basically break my wrists (with the Square Strike). I could use it more as a putting stroke, which to me, would lead to more consistency. Definitely with the added weight it allowed me to be able to stay down on the ball, which is kind of a problem that I have from time to time. You just kind of take the brain work out of everything.”
Donovan Van Kooten | 16 handicap
These golfers – who struggle with the short game just like you – felt comfortable and confident when chipping with the Square Strike Wedge.
And you can be, too.
I want to stop for a moment and give you a chance to change your chipping fortunes right now.
I’m convinced the Square Strike Wedge will do exactly that.
If you like what you’ve seen, and love the idea of adding a club that:
Then all you’ve got to do is:
Since you’re still here, I assume you’ve got a question or two about the Square Strike Wedge. Hey, there’s nothing wrong with being thorough.
We put together this section to fill in any blanks.
Square Strike Wedge FAQs
OK, so maybe you’re not quite convinced the Square Strike Wedge can turn you into a par-saving, birdie-making, up-and-down machine.
I get it. And I’m happy to address your concerns.
Why buy the Square Strike Wedge when you can just use your 7-iron for chipping?
The Square Strike Wedge is simply a more effective chipping club than a 7-iron – or any other traditional iron. Here’s what the SSW has that those clubs don’t:
If I add the Square Strike Wedge, which club should I take out of my set?
That’s the million-dollar question. In fact, the designers wrestled with it long and hard as they developed the club.
You’ve got a number of options. The most obvious is to replace one of your wedges – especially if you use one primarily for chipping. Perhaps you carry a lob wedge that rarely leaves the bag, or a gap wedge that mostly gathers dust.
Think about the other end of your set, too. Maybe there’s a hybrid or, God forbid, a long iron lurking just to cause you nightmares. Those clubs may well be costing you strokes. Why not pitch one in favor of the Square Strike Wedge?
A couple other ways to look at it: Replace the least used club in your bag, or the least effective.
Whichever club gets the heave-ho, you won’t regret the decision.
Will a left-hand-low or “claw” putting grip work with the Square Strike Wedge?
If that’s how you grip the putter, by all means do the same with the Square Strike.
Tester Henry Barrie had great success with his left-hand-low setup, while Frank Quinn excelled with his “claw” grip.
I advise you to experiment with different grip styles, including your regular chipping grip, to find what’s most comfortable and effective.
Can I play full shots with the Square Strike Wedge?
You can certainly hit shots making a full swing, though you probably won’t get as much distance as with your pitching wedge.
We recommend using the Square Strike Wedge for shots within 40 yards of the flag – that’s well beyond chipping range. But you may find that it work from 70 yards or more.
Does the Square Strike Wedge really work from bunkers?
Yes, indeed – I tried it myself and was amazed. While it wasn’t designed for bunker play, the SSW’s wide Anti-Chunk Sole glides beautifully through the sand. It’s great for longer shots where you need a low ball flight and lots of roll.
When I say the Square Strike Wedge is incredibly versatile, this is what I mean.
How do I know it’s not just a gimmick?
A few testers wondered that, too. Tony Sodoro was among the skeptics, but the 7-handicapper changed his tune after trying it.
“It's a legitimate club that's going to help your scoring and help improve your golf game,” Tony said. “You'll have more fun on the golf course.”
If that doesn’t convince you, how about this: The project’s lead designer, Josh Boggs, previously worked for one of golf’s biggest brands and crafted clubs that made Golf Digest’s prestigious “Hot List.” And while I can’t name names, Josh personally assisted some of the world’s top-ranked players in getting their sets just right.
Does the Square Strike Wedge conform to USGA and R&A rules?
Yep, it’s 100% conforming, which means you can use it in any round, tournaments included.
I prefer to try equipment before buying. Is it possible to demo the Square Strike Wedge?
That’s one thing we can’t offer, but we’ll make up for it with this:
The Square Strike Wedge Guarantee
Use it All You Want for 60 Days and If You Don’t See Major Short Game Improvement, We’ll Give Your Money Back

It’s as simple as chipping with the Square Strike Wedge.
Use it on the course, the practice green, the back yard, the “man cave” – wherever you want, whenever you’ve got the time.
If you don’t improve your short game and cut strokes from your scorecard, or if you’re unhappy with the Square Strike Wedge for any reason, just send it back, and we’ll refund your payment (minus shipping & handling) right away.
Now, about that purchase price…
You’re about to save a whole bunch of strokes by spending very little cash
If there’s anything more costly than chunking and skulling easy chips and pitches, it’s buying brand-name golf equipment.
I’m not just talking about the latest and greatest drivers, either. A new wedge can run you $200 or more.
To be sure, that pricey wedge will probably work like a charm from bunkers (provided you’re already a decent bunker player). It might make the ball dance with its cutting-edge grooves and impress your buddies with its custom-designed sole grind.
Unfortunately, it won’t help you convert the simplest shots into easy up-and-downs. Or eliminate those stroke-wasting fat and thin chips. And it definitely won’t bring the short game consistency your game is missing.
We’re confident you’ll only get those things from the Square Strike Wedge.
And you won’t pay 200 bucks for them either. In fact, because you got here for our limited-time, special introductory offer, you won’t even pay the regular price of $139.
If you act now – before our initial stock runs out – you’ll pay just $109 for the new Square Strike Wedge.
How great a deal is that? Well, I defy you to find another $109 investment that will do as much for your game. Hmmm…
What about an hour with a teaching pro? Sure, that could help. But real swing improvements usually require multiple lessons, and who-knows-how-much practice time, to really take hold. A clubfitting session? Always a good idea, though $109 will probably only cover fitting for a single club – a new driver, for example. Of course, the driver itself will run you another $600 or more.
New golf shoes? Golf-specific sunglasses? A pair of white golf pants like all the young tour studs wear? Hey, if you think high fashion is the path to lower scores, more power to ya.
If you’re inclined toward more practical solutions, then your best bet is the Square Strike Wedge, a club that:
There’s only one club that fits the description… only one place to get it… and only one thing easier than chipping with the Square Strike Wedge:
Saying YES to a better short game by grabbing this offer.
PLUS… Purchase the Square Strike Wedge today and you’ll also get:
Free Square Strike Wedge Training Bonus Series
3-Video Bonus Trainings

These bonus videos are not available anywhere else
Order today and get your special bonus and discount...
Just to be up front, I'll earn a small percentage on any purchase you make. This helps me keep the lights on and continue making great content for you.

The Square Strike Wedge [Black]
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“(With a) traditional wedge, you kind of learn to bend down over the ball, maybe even choke up on the club. Then when you take it away, you're trying to hinge it, and then release it at the right time. With the Square Strike, it's simply looking at your line, deciding where you're gonna hit it, understanding how hard you're gonna hit it or how long the stroke is gonna be, and just relax and make a putting stroke.”
Frank Quinn | 5 handicap
“I'm really excited about this (Square Strike Wedge). I think I would be so much more confident, I wouldn't even have to think of, ‘Oh my gosh it's this kind of grass, do I use a fairway metal to run it, do I use a low lofted iron, do I flip it?’ Whereas this, you'd use it in a variety of needs all through the game. And that gives you confidence.”
Bob Norquist | 17 handicap
“The Square Strike felt really good and the club was very easy to use. The ball stayed online a lot better. It had great pace on it. I had a lot more confidence using that than the club I normally use for the last 5 years. It took less than 15 minutes to hit the Square Strike with the consistency that I had today.”
Darwin Bostic | 15 handicap
“Standing over my own 60-degree wedge, the nervous level is… about a 9. Am I going to chunk it, going to skull it, what's it going to be right now? And then when I put (the Square Strike) in my hand, there was none of that. Very confident, very comfortable. And I don't have to worry what's going to happen.”
Juanita Rosenfeld | 6.6 handicap
“Way more consistency with the Square Strike. I was all over, quite literally, the putting surface with my 55-degree sand wedge. Very inconsistent. I don't put in the practice time, so it's really important that I'm using a club that’s going to help with my consistency each and every day I'm out there.”
Marcus Boray | 16 handicap
“I'm the old adage they used to say, ‘If you can putt it, (then) putt it’… because I would blade the ball every time if I try to chip it. When I went to the Square Strike, all of a sudden things smoothed out. I was more confident. That balance was just right. The face was lined up right, and everything felt comfortable like I've been using that club forever.”
Rick Drake | 18 handicap
“I'll watch some of the pros do their little lessons. They open the face of the wedge, and they pop it up, and they spin it. I'm never going to be able to do that, so this (Square Strike) just takes all that out of it. You can do more of a chip and let it run towards the hole.”
Bill Engelen | 18 handicap
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