Not sure if Top Speed Golf will help your golf game?

Check Out These Success Stories From Top Speed Golf Members!

And I'm excited for you to share your story with us!

On how our All Access Membership is for golfers of all ages and physical limitations...

Carl Huett

"I've had an amazing change in my golf game... I was averaging from 102-115. I'm now shooting in the low 90's and mid 80's... I'm hitting an occasional 300 yard drive!"

Chris "Doc" Havelda

"After 2 hip replacements, a bad back... I got serious... I cannot be more delighted with the progress I've made... it's made me excited about playing golf again!"

David Shiramizu

"I was struggling with consistency & ball striking... for the first time in 45 years of playing I broke 80!"

Ed White

"Before Top Speed Golf my game was straight, not long... bogey golf at best... since [then,] I've had 2 drives over 250, 1 over 260 and 1 over 270!"

William Fitchett

"Since joining Top Speed Golf... I dropped my handicap by 5 points... this course ... Changed. My. Life... I can fix my mistakes!"

James Litrun

"Two strangers came by and said, 'Wow, what a nice fluid swing with a full follow through!' Trust me, that didn't happen before I found the Top Speed Golf System..."

Jim Merritt

"I could only get down to about a 10 handicap... after I saw Top Speed Golf... I accepted his offer to join... I shoot in the low 70's... 72, 74, the last few times I've played."

Jay Felsten

"My handicap was somewhere between 11 and 12... when the season ended last year [after I found Top Speed Golf] I was a 7.6... I wanted to win 2 major tournaments... I won them both!"

Tom Hester

"I'm 71, overweight, out of shape and stiff as a board... my base [swing speed] of 80 [miles per hour] jumped up to 89... my accuracy got better!"

Praise for the 20 Minute Shallowing Fix Course...

Mike Cerutti

"I have a problem with early extension... this really really helped me out a lot."

Kevin Bruhn

"Every miss is better... I don't think in my last 3 rounds I've lost a ball to a slice."

Anthony Berlucchi

"It's the most solid balls that I've hit... If I'm 175-180 yards out and I'm hitting a 7 iron rather than a 5, golf will play a whole lot easier."

“Went to the range early this morning for 1.5 hours. I tried your lesson to a T.

The results were astounding.

Hitting a 7 iron into a stiff wind. 15mph...

I followed your suggestions… No exaggeration – I didn’t miss a shot.

The ball traveled in a trajectory that I was attempting. Low or high depending on ball position.

Slight right to left and as importantly as 20 yds further than whatever the heck I was doing prior to your lesson.

The turn back and through was easier. Staying behind the ball was easier. Finishing with weight on my forward leg.

Certainly easier on my back and body. Divots were in front of the ball and shallow.

Very impressive lesson if one follows the game plan.”

Allen Shaw

"Fantastic method. It was easy to understand and I was able to take it to the range that same morning. On the golf course my swing naturally fell into place, and my ball striking was immediately improved. Next day out I shot a 77, 1 under my age. Driving distance was dramatically improved, and irons were crisp."

Pete from Florida

"When I took these concepts out on the range and course most of my shots were incredibly compressed."

James Stewart

"Clay's teaching... he brings it out in such a way that you get it, you just get it... A lot of instructors will teach you the swing, but it's all well, in short words, it's mumbo jumbo. It's hard to understand. With Clay, he breaks every aspect of it down and you can picture it a lot easier. And when you're actually swinging the club, you really, you really feel it."

John Shephard

"Clay, you have supplied the secret sauce to your training programs. I am 84 years old and earlier this week at the driving range I experienced one of the most wonderful feelings I can remember. The feeling of hitting the sweet spot."

James "Piper" Simmons

"The drill towards target and towards ball is great for stopping over the top swing! Really gives you a natural feel for promoting hips/body first swing instead of shoulders/arms. Nice way to feel lag developing!"

John G.

"Anyone who does not relish this will never know the satisfaction this game can bring. Bravo!"

Jim L.

"When you do this correctly it is a great feeling... I hit one with the new approach and the sound and result made the people next to me ask what I was doing. Impressive!"


"Hey Clay! I loved this piece. Tried it for the first time today and I finally hit some draws! I've always tended to hit right of center and this technique took some of the mystery out of drawing the ball."

Edward K

"By the end of the round I was starting to hit some solid shots with a slight draw... The number of very solid shots I had virtually immediately convinced me that this is the way to go. After establishing my natural wrist position, I felt I had quite a few less voices to listen to by concentrating only on the elbow positions."


Gene Henry

"All my friends would laugh at me. I couldn't hit a green from 115 yards... it makes a different sound and I'm hitting it more solid."

Tim Milicich

"I am most assuredly shallowing the club out much better than I used to."

Brian O'Donnell

"I googled 'how to shallow your golf club...' That first video... once I went out and did those [drills]... it was a dramatic difference. "

“I finally believe I understand what 'shallowing' the club really means and how to achieve it!"


“The explanations and demonstrations are very helpful in understanding how everything works together to get the hands leading the club head at impact... I have never understood how I could get a fade while shallowing the club, now I do."

Scott B

“Went to the range yesterday... 7i and up through driver was able to feel and see a huge difference. Today, played eighteen... it seemed to 'click' and was able to carry to the course... sorry about not commenting about any negatives, but this just works well."

Richard Z


"Boy has it really, really helped. I am such a better golfer now, I'm improving every time, and my consistency is much better."

Jeff from Orlando

"I got instant results... hitting the ball much further, much straighter, with the ability to draw if I want to. It's really incredible."


"...Been struggling with my golf swing... inconsistent... come down too steep... the 20 Minute Shallowing Fix... revolutionized the way I play golf."

Jerry R

"I can gain more distance by just learning how to hit the ball squarely... and shallowing the golf club."

Pete from Florida

"I couldn't make [shallowing] happen... [The 20 Minute Shallowing Fix] made shallowing happen without thinking about it."


"... I can see that I'm pretty much 100% swinging inside to outside now."

Tyler Kashdan

"The Natural Positioning move... that's a game changer... really cool stuff."

Sam S

"I watched the 20 Minute Shallowing Fix... saw a drastic improvement... I was more consistent."

Jim L

"It's beginning to feel a lot more natural... I think that's what Clay pushes for is for a person to find their natural swing."

Bill Sinko

"Really have noticed... a huge difference in my swinging and consistency."

Bob Fawsett

"... [It] allows me to take [the ball] wherever I want without thinking about it."

Bruce Cohn

"As a result of the drills, I'm definitely hitting the ball much more solid, much more accurately..."

Tom Scott

"I've really gotten, uh, great contact using that drill."

Jon C

"I'm striking the ball much better than I ever have."


"I finally understand what it means to shallow the club and where my body and hands, uh, everything else has to be in order to accomplish."


"My 'misses...' are really good shots... they're what I would call 'perfect...' they're going about 25 yards further than my normal 7 iron."

Jeff Cooper

"I'm finally shallowing out... now I'm shooting 74 to 78."

Jim Goodwin

"And he said 'no [you're not casting] you're shallowing the club well, consistently..."

John U

"I was finally able to appreciate the correct feel at impact... I was able to compress the heck out of the ball!"


"I started working inside out... it was working almost right away as well. So far so good."


"I'm getting some of the distance back... when I do it right, WOW. I can feel the difference."

Bob Perkins

"Man, did I love the feeling of hitting pure, solid irons..."

Praise for the 20 Minute Distance Fix Course...

Kevin Cameron

"I look forward to taking these gains, which could literally be up to 50 yards...out to the course."

Peter Voss. - Gilroy, CA

"I gained 19mph in one week...played Saturday and my drives were all finding the fairway...everyone in my group was amazed."

Mike M. -Florida

"I'm hitting all my clubs longer and straighter. Plus my handicap has improved by 4 strokes."

"Priceless. From the entire Top Speed Golf System, 20 Minute Distance Fix is all very helpful."

Maurice Belcourt

"20 Minute Distance Fix helped me gain amazing distance causing one of my friends to comment that as you get older you seem to be getting better."


Alistair Mooney

"My starting swing speed was 88 MPH and now it's 101 MPH... I was most surprised what max speed felt like... I found out you can actually handle your drives!"

Ben Lashley

"Took my average swing speed from 104 to 111... also, my consistency improved!"

Clive Robertson

"What has surprised me most is that I have been hitting a similar number of fairways and having my ball overall in a playable position while being much closer to the hole..."

David Bakyta, PGA Pro

"You don't really have to change your whole swing to accomplish the increase in speed, which I really like..."

Don Rountree

"My starting swing speed was 96, my new max swing speed is 107 miles an hour... you'll hit the ball farther off the tee and with your irons, also."

Gerry Martin

"My clubhead speed was 91 MPH... consistently been at 102 right now... the drills have been very enjoyable and fun, and very helpful..."

Gerry Murphy

"Started out with... 94 MPH. Today I was able to see a 107 MPH swing speed."

Greg Sivic

"I gained 11 miles an hour of clubhead speed... at 62 years of age, I'm hitting the ball farther now than when I was 40!"

Gregory Clardy

"I started off 88MPH with my driver... at the end of the course I was at 100MPH. All you have to do is follow Clay's course... and you'll get gains."

Jerry Swift

"I'm 72 years old and presently hitting the ball farther and straighter than I did in my 30s and 40s."

Jim Gilley

"I was reluctant to take the class because I didn't think I had anymore distance in me... but by golly, I did!"

Justin Epstein

"In my 41 years of playing golf, this was probably one of the best investments I have ever made in my golf game... if you would like to hit the ball farther, shoot lower scores, and have more fun, I encourage you to sign up!"

Ken Hedges

"My beginning swing speed was 79 MPH... my high to date is 101 MPH. I'm pleased that I'm able to hit the ball straight... even though I'm swinging hard."

Kenny Bates

"My new max... is 118 MPH. I really think the biggest takeaway has been the mental aspect... how to get your body to work with what your mind wants it to."

Kevin Cameron

"I started out with a 100 MPH swing speed... after a week I was up to 120. I never even thought that was close to possible."

Kip Kramer

"The more you do it... your swing gets better. If you think you can't do as well online as you could in person... I disagree. It works beautifully."

Lee Bidney

"I'm very surprised at how fast in one week's time I was able to gain 18 MPH clubhead speed. I believe I can get that up to 110 or 115."

Mark Nelen

"I went from 84 swing speed to well over 95 in 2 and a half weeks. I'm 62 and a little overweight, but it worked great for me..."

Martin Sigrist

"I've always tried to learn golf slowly but surely... but just letting go and swinging has made things easier... not only has my swing speed improved but my whole game as well."

Michael Masalowski

"Surprisingly I'm hitting more drives in the fairway now... all my clubs are straighter so I'm hitting more greens."

Michael Olive

"You get so many different drills, so many different ways to attack your problem. It's very individualized."

Mike Reichart

"What's exciting me more is I've only gone halfway through the system and I'm excited to see what else I've got in the tank to see where I can go from 115 [miles per hour]..."

Mike Turner

"My starting swing speed with my driver was 80 MPH... after the first week... I have a max speed of 91."

Paul Wilson

"All my par 5s are now reachable in 2 shots... I have not lost any accuracy with my increase in clubhead speed and distance. In fact, my dispersion has narrowed dramatically!"

Peter Voss

"I was surprised... my drives were incredibly straight. I wasn't doing wild swings... everybody in my group was amazed."

Phil Paterson

"In the first 4 days of the course I increased my swing speed from 92 MPH to 107 MPH... out of all the money I've spent over the years... this is by far the best dollar value I've spent on my game."

Piper Simmons

"My starting speed was 68 MPH... my maximum speed now is 84 MPH."

Richard Long

"The most surprising part... I have become more consistent with my driving. One would think swinging harder would lose consistency... but I've gained a lot of consistency with this class."

Richard Sullivan

"Over the first week my clubhead speed has increased 17 MPH... any of you folks out there looking to increase your distance, this could be the course for you!"

Rob Keller

"My swing speed when I started this class was about 102. After just the first week and a half of training my max speed is 121!"

Robert Bennett

"Highly recommend the course! Started at 91 MPH... and 108 was my top speed."

Rob Wetherbee

"The training... has allowed me to let loose... all your thinkin about is swinging fast!"

Shaun Archer

"I never thought I'd be able to increase my speed and get more distance off the tee by going as hard as Clay is encouraging me to do."

Stephen Lieberman

"I was surprised by... the consistent ball flight that I achieved doing the drills."

Steve Maroney

"What really surprised me... how quickly I was able to add that speed... even more surprising is that we continue to be really consistent... if anything my consistency has increased."

Steve Young

"I never thought I could get past 115 [MPH] so I was very very surprised at how fast I could get my swing speed."

Tim Fox

"What's so much fun about this course is it's speed... everybody wants speed... the videos... are fun to watch... and it's fun to just let it rip."

Tom Grys

"I would recommend the program to anyone of any skill level... I was able to increase my speed from 95 MPH to 118."

Wayne Fillmore

"What I like about the program is the detailed and methodical manner in which Clay lays out the course..."

Praise for the Wedge System & Chipping Mastery...

"I have played 2 rounds since watching this video and the improvement is huge. 50-70-90 yard shots go high and land soft. Just amazes me that by using this method how I just feel the swing."

Mike D.

"These are awesome drills, hitting the pitch shots way more flush and accurate while eliminating any chunked shots."

Michael R.

"I’ve struggled with short chips. Played yesterday after reviewing your chipping videos. Sank two short ones the first time out, so thanks for the technique. It makes a lot of sense to me."

William D.

"Absolutely the best instruction videos I have seen, I have been watching golf videos for years by different instructors only to be confused by all the different ways of doing the same thing. Clay and TopSpeed Golf puts it all together and tries to make sure the student knows how and why to hit every shot."

Gary S.

"The Wedge System and Chipping Mastery brought sound reasoning to my short game and greatly improved it. This is one of the areas where I found I was losing the most strokes. These systems helped solved that problem."

John Lisak

"Top Speed just gets better. Wedges especially around the green used to drive me nuts, one fat, one thin, one scoop, one shank. I... never knew a method to deliver a reliable shot. Definitely bad for the nerves until NOW. Thank you a bunch! It’s great to know you are not going to duff a shot like that so close to the green. Another secret I will keep for a while."

John M.

"This has been a great series to enhance my wedges, which have always been my strength. These are 'money maker' lessons that I will continue to watch over and over again. Thanks for the great work!"

Kenneth H.

"Awesome drill, hitting the pitch shots way more flush and accurate while eliminating any chunked shots."

Michael R.

"I wanted to get better fast and so I moved directly to my irons and my wedges. The absolute worst part of my game... I practiced and practiced and still couldn't hit my wedges worth a crap. Chunked them, bladed them, even when I did hit it well I had little distance control. It was killing my game.

I can now hit chips! I can now hit pitch shots! I can even brush the ground almost perfect on every swing. After only two rounds and a couple of practice days I am consistently breaking 90 and even shot an 84. I have a short game now and couldn't tell you thank you enough."

Rick Gullen

"This has been huge for me. I’ve been struggling with my short chips but this gave me many great ideas. The follow through has been crucial and something I've been missing."

Robert H.

"This is another great instruction video! With open club face and address, I was able to hit some crisp shots that bite."

Tatsuhiko M.

Praise for the Putting System...

"I went out to play the other day and I kept track of my putting strokes. I am embarrassed to say that I had 45 putts, (10 three putts). So I decided to view your putting videos again. I realized that my grip was way off. Your technique using the “life line” really gives me more control without gripping too tightly. My old grip was NOT consistent at all. Using your advice is a lot more comfortable as well."


"Clay this works great! I was amazed at the improvement. I was hitting a group of 5 golf balls from 8 feet and I think the worst I did was holing 2 from 5 balls each time. My misses were all pretty close. I’m sold, it works!!!!!"

David H.

Praise for the Never Hook Again course...

"Thank you for these wonderful videos. My pull hooks show up frequently on the same holes, usually where I am trying to avoid trouble on the left or push the shot for more distance. It is very annoying!! I believe tension plays a role as I tend to get quick in the downswing activating the shoulders. After watching these videos I am going to focus more on the setup keys you talk about in addition to a more relaxed tempo."

Eric B.

“Clay, thank you so much for this series on pull hooking. I am a lifelong serial offender but for the first time after 30+ years of golf I think I am getting somewhere. Best money I’ve ever spent ???? You know I tried all that stuff with the box etc to stop coming over the top but to no avail. It wasn’t until I watched your focus on the tilt to the right at address (and stay tilted) that I started to find a cure. Thanks for all that you do. You really have a passion for this."

James P.

“Clay, absolutely awesome!!! My mis hits are a pull draw yet I refused to believe my path was out to in because I felt like I was swinging towards first base. Just goes to reiterate the saying of what you feel like you’re doing isn’t always what you are doing. You finally got it through this thick skull that it is my path. Now I know if I look up and see the ball going left to left, exactly what caused it and how to correct it. Keep up the great work."

Terry J.

“Just marked this video, not only as a favorite, but my “all time” favorite. First off, I don’t snap-hook the ball. So why is it so important to me? I think in this video you managed to address at least 6 things that I do in my swing that have kept me from making a good solid pass at the ball. It seems very clear to me that incorporating all these moves to hit a “baby fade” will help my game enormously. I think in this video you’ve hit on a whole new approach to playing great golf."

Charles S.

Praise for the Never Slice Again course...

"Holy SHIZ! Wish you’d told me this years ago…This is exactly what is happening with my driver. Everything feels good but it slices. When I’m on I hit a pull cut, no joke. I’ll try this tomorrow at the range but it’s nice to know that even a great ball striker like yourself has the same issues us hacks have. As always Clay great stuff."

Rob H.

"Clay–this series of videos resulted in remarkable improvement in my impact, distance, trajectory. Really an improvement."

Carver W.

"Wow. That explanation regarding how feel shifts fits me perfectly. A real OMG moment."

Mark S.

"Love this drill, I was able to hit a draw at the range today. Thank you"

Thuy T.

"Drill seemed quite easy, helped me quickly correct some OTT that crept back into my swing (getting kind aggressive on long sticks, mainly). An interesting thing I noticed was if I didn’t get enough tilt in my spine, primary and secondary, I would end up still spinning out a bit, and not getting it solid or compressed. Together, it was absolutely money! I’ll be continuing this swing drill even in my warm ups at the course."

Thomas R.

"Played in a charity tournament yesterday and our foursome had a side bet. Came down to the last hole I hit a fairly good drive, but it came to rest in very tall grass to the right of the fairway. A huge tree was standing over me like an ogre. It’s branches hung out over the fairway blocking a straight shot to the green. From a horrible lie, I couldn’t use a normal 9 or 8 iron to gauge it out of the mess. If I could only run a shot low, with a lot of spin, up a steep hill with bunkers left and right. I said 'hell, I just learned a shot that’ll work here.' I pulled out my 2 hybrid, set up with the ball back in my stance, turned the face about 30 degrees closed and turned my shoulders to the right. I swung away, the ball exploded out of the junk, scampered up the hill, onto the green, 8 feet from the pin. Lipped out, but made par and won our match... The ball ended up EXACTLY where I hoped it would. So thanks for this 'cheat.'"

Chuck S.

Praise for the Stop Chunking & Topping course...

"Thank you for such AMAZING instruction! I have never hit the ball so purely. Since I’ve begun your program started to build a fundamentally sound swing."

Jason P.

"Thanks for that lesson, it’s made me a very happy golfer. From chunking my irons I’ve now gained yards! It’s made me realise how easy it is to slip into bad habits, you think you’re playing reasonably well, and then the problems occur. When I reviewed my swing I noticed almost a complete absence of weight shift which led to the fat shots. Simple remedy, practise the drill and boy did it work."

Bob M.

"Hi. Great video. I’m a new, single handicap member and thoroughly enjoying the membership. The 5 steps taught has helped my ball striking capabilities immensely."

Alan T.

"Clay, thanks for these suggestions. Today I keep my eyes on the back of the golf ball. I made much improved contact! Hit the ball much better than I have in years."

John H.

Praise for the Your Best Golf After 50 course...

"When I first began playing I had no idea that golf is a lifetime sport. I am a retired teacher. I am 81yrs old and I am so thankful that I am able to play golf. I have had so many wonderful memories. I have had 5 holes in one and since I have become a member my handicap has been lowered. I also had the pleasure of winning the Senior tournament with a 78. I live in Canandaigua NY."

Tony L.

"My first instructor never even mentioned compression or hands in front of the ball at impact. He had me breaking 100 in a matter of months, but I never got any better than a 24 handicap. I was in my early 40s and fit as a fiddle. Now, I am 63 and feel like I can lower my handicap despite my diminished flexibility."

Jim Goodwin

"I am enjoying the videos and have been a member for only a couple of days… went to the driving range and noticed improvement."

George S.

"Appreciate the 50+ series, I am 50+ myself and I recognize the issues you mention."


"Clay, this video along with the hip turn, I have gained about 20 yards on my drive and my irons are solid and crisp."

Willie B.

Praise for the Improve Faster Than Everyone course...

"Clay, once again you have topped past performance in your instructional series. You have taken us all into the classroom setting where we put down the clubs for a moment and focus on the most important element of this cerebral game we call golf. Excellent!"

Steve W.

"These are another great series of videos to save extra time for improving my golf through practice in a very scientific way. I myself have wasted a lot of time by setting chaotic goals with unreasonably difficult shots for my level. Now I’ll work on practicing with specific and increasingly tough ones to make these shots move to the Comfortable zone."

Tatsuhiko M.

"I love practice almost as much as playing, and over the years I have been fortunate with learning from watching other players practice. What struck me very early is that most players use the range incorrectly, in that there is no real purpose to their time there other than to just swing away. Preparing for the range to me is more important than preparing to play. Your awesome videos help me to determine what a more precise use of my time on the range. Thank you."

Fred S.

"I love this series, Clay. This is great info!! I am always wondering if I am practicing correctly and am very happy you are covering this area."

Fred S.

Praise for the Stop Early Extension/Stop Standing up in the Downswing course...

"This video has finally given me the feel I seem to have been missing in my game for a long time. It might be worth my membership fee all by itself."

Jeff B.

"Best video and drill on the site, really helps you crush, compress and melt the golf ball staying in your posture and feeling that straight line extension and not sliding the hips at impact."

Dr. Michael C.

"Great video... I have been struggling with pulls, shanks, and topping. I started working on this video last night. I played golf this morning and had my best round this year (bogie). I hit the ball straighter than ever... It's funny how one bad habit can effect everything else."

Carl K.

"This video graphically and dramatically demonstrated that the right shoulder has to maintain itself in good posture and drive through the hitting area in sync with the arms and wrists. I now see that I certainly have early extension and certainly have a flipping move with my arms and wrists... real eye-opener. Thanks guys. You do a great job explaining things, that's why you're in the best in the business."

Chuck S.

"Best video and drill on the site, really helps you crush, compress and melt the golf ball staying in your posture and feeling that straight line extension and not sliding the hips at impact."

Dr. Michael C.

"These videos have helped me get forward shaft lean and stay in my posture. Also helped me stop early extension and early release. My ball striking has vastly improved."

Kevin G.

"I watched this video twice and found the reason why I have been coming out of the shot that has been plaguing me for years. I had always been told to drive my right knee to the ball in the downswing which caused my right hip to stand me up. Today I played using your advice to stand tall, move my left hip properly, turn my shoulders correctly. Fantastic results! Piercing irons and drives that had me stunned. Most helpful video ever."

Mike D.

Praise for the Golf Fitness course...

"My bad back has disappeared and my fluid spine and turn has improved significantly. More stability and club head speed. This stuff is vital to improvement, so good on you for comprehensively covering the field. Thanks."

Ian B.

"Thanks so much for the flexibility exercises and all the great info and facts you provide.. you’re the best!!!! I’m an older golfer and need to stay flexible into my 80s and 90s…"

Alan M.

"This is an excellent stretching exercise! I saw immediate improvement, I will try this frequently, especially before a round."

Deb C.

"After almost 6 months recovering from a shoulder injury, these exercises are really what I needed... those two-minute durations are a big change from what I used to do and they are really helping me."

Jonathan C.

Praise for the Mental Game course...

"FINALLY! I had asked about mental game videos for a while. They are hard to find on instructional sites, which tend to focus solely on swing mechanics. But actually there is an argument that can be made that mental instruction should be one of the first things taught, since it may apply (depending on what the mental lesson is about) to how you are going to work on any of the fundamentals of the Top Speed Golf System, or any other instruction."

Arnie E.

"Dr. Thad and Clay, thank you very much! I believe this is such a huge part of the game yet no one really ever teaches us or discusses what we need to be working on as far as mental goes. I learned this “6 threes” years ago but have gotten away from it. Thanks for the 5 resets, that is great stuff and I loved your last line “have fun and enjoy the game” actually a goal of mine this year is to enjoy it a lot more and not get as caught up in the score and what I need to be doing."

Robert H.

"Another great aspect of an already great golf system, most of us don't appreciate how much the gremlin in our skull can affect or game/life."

Alex P.

"Just wanted to say that I took the 6x3's idea out on the course today for the first time and it was a great success for me. Definitely something I will use every time from now on. THANKS Thad!"

Michael R.

Praise for the Indoor Impact Series course...

"It’s winter here so I can’t really go out to a range but I have a net in my garage and a radar. I started the indoor winter series which I find very useful."


Praise for the Office Hours with Q...

"Then I found Office Hours and this guy Q would answer my questions directly and clearly without stealing my wallet. It just kept getting better."

Dennis P.

"Clay Ballard is a great teacher. TSG is a great resource. Q and the Office Hour videos are super. The price is excellent, affordable, worth it. The teaching style and content can’t be beat."

William S.

"You seem to have a video that always answers my current question. If not, I find time to use Office Hours. I have never felt any of my questions have been left unanswered."

Jim N.

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